¡Hola! Everybody...
Modern contemporary conservatism can be directly traced to Edmund Burke who promoted the (very conservative) idea that people are essentially evil and need a strong controlling force to prevent them from acting out their evil nature (that is, unless you’re rich).
Such a force, continued Burke, should (appropriately) come from those have inherited wealth or lawfully obtained wealth, religious, or political power. In addition, Burke believed that a permanent underclass with little power and a permanent power elite with great power would produce the greatest social good because it will ensure social stability. Conservatives want to conserve the status quo. Or as that fabulous racist, William J. Buckley, once asserted: conservatives “sit athwart history.”
My observation is that no one is fully conservative or liberal. Human beings tend to place themselves into various locations on the political continuum according to different situations. However, conservatism comes from somewhere -- it is founded on a certain worldview encompassing notions of the origins of human nature. What follows is an attempt to peek behind the curtain.
Modern contemporary conservatism can be directly traced to Edmund Burke who promoted the (very conservative) idea that people are essentially evil and need a strong controlling force to prevent them from acting out their evil nature (that is, unless you’re rich).
Such a force, continued Burke, should (appropriately) come from those have inherited wealth or lawfully obtained wealth, religious, or political power. In addition, Burke believed that a permanent underclass with little power and a permanent power elite with great power would produce the greatest social good because it will ensure social stability. Conservatives want to conserve the status quo. Or as that fabulous racist, William J. Buckley, once asserted: conservatives “sit athwart history.”
My observation is that no one is fully conservative or liberal. Human beings tend to place themselves into various locations on the political continuum according to different situations. However, conservatism comes from somewhere -- it is founded on a certain worldview encompassing notions of the origins of human nature. What follows is an attempt to peek behind the curtain.
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Contempt is not a thing to be despised.
-- Edmund Burke (1729–1797) “Father” of conservatism
A Conservative is a fellow who is standing athwart history yelling 'Stop!
-- William F. Buckely, Jr. a conservative that opposed the Civil Rights movement
2003, a group of researchers published a paper in a peer-reviewed
journal (Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, & Sulloway, 2003) that caused an
immediate shit storm. Because some government grants were involved in
funding the research, conservatives, who at the time controlled all
branches of the US government, took an immediate and unfriendly
“interest” in the paper. It would seem that they did not particularly
care for the results of the research, and threats were made about
preventing further “waste of government money” to fund research into the
conservative mindset.
[Note: The papers are posted on the internet: click here and here to access PDF versions]
study was “biased” against conservatives, they insisted! As usual,
right-wingers went into their feces-flinging act, outraged that anyone
would dare quantify the obvious and actually show they are an
emotionally unstable group.
it’s not as if we didn’t suspect all along that something was wrong
with the likes of Dick Cheney, Glenn Beck, Lush Rimbaugh, Michelle
Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and the rest of the current cast of Flock of Fools.
The study, funded jointly by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and National Institute of Mental Health at the National Institute of Health
(NIH), examined a mindset that the authors were polite enough to refer
to as political conservatism. What they were really studying were the
right wing wackos who had taken over the GOP and in the process
threatening to turn America into a third-rate fascist state (stuff like
condoning torture, the shredding of the Constitution, spying on US citizens, etc.).
that their study might cause a slight discomfort among the more
sensitive of our conservative brethren (really: they lit up like rabid
chimps going ape on considerate neighbors) went to great lengths to
reassure one and all that they weren’t calling right wingers a bunch of sociopahtic, destructive nuts. Obviously, they weren’t studying the
right-wingers we see most often on the internets. Essentially, the
researchers culled through 50 years of research literature on the
psychology of conservatism and reported that at the core of political
conservatism is resistance to change and a tolerance for inequality, and that some of the common psychological factors linked to political conservatism include:
- Fear and aggression
- Dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Need for cognitive closure
- Terror management
authors wrote, “Our first assumption, too, is that conservative
ideologies -- like virtually all other belief systems -- are adopted in
part because they satisfy some psychological needs. This does not mean
that conservatism is pathological or that conservative beliefs are
necessarily false, irrational, or unprincipled.”
Still, that didn’t stop right-wingers
from losing their minds and screaming for the scalps of the
researchers. Right-wing radio hosts howled and frothed at the mouth,
demanding an immediate investigation into the researcher's funding streams, and they
were accused, with no regard to rhyme nor reason, of being anti-American
and anti-Christian and probably for gay rights, killing babies, and gun
control to boot.
let’s try to forget Beck and Rush Limbaugh for the moment. Sure, there
are conservatives who aren’t sadistic amoral sociopaths. Shit, in real
life, I know some. I even have conservative friends, although I did warn
my sister not to marry my former brother-in-law.
Seriously, what the researchers were investigating was what could be
termed “political fundamentalism.” They tend to be reactionary,
paranoid, authoritarian, intolerant, and contemptuous of rules that don’t suit them. While
there are left-wing examples, the authors found that they generally
gravitate toward fascism and call it conservatism, though it’s
usually more correctly described as radical reactionaries. In any case, the
researchers found that left-wingers are less likely to exhibit these
authors define the two core principles of conservatism as resistance to
change, and acceptance of social inequality. Conservatives, they argue,
cling tightly to a status quo (“traditional values”), real or imagined,
and regard society as hierarchical. Not unsurprisingly, they tend to
believe they have inherited and/or merited preferential positions in
this hierarchy.
The authors address what they call the “conservative paradox” of radical reactionarism
(e.g., Hitler, Mussolini) by pointing out that their calls for extreme
inequality in the social order were superimposed with promises to lead
the country back to an ideal past, one in which “traditional” values and
morality reigned. It occurs to me that our present-day right-wing
reactionaries continuously evoke a traditional America that never
existed: where everyone was a god-fearing generic protestant, people
with accents lived in the poor part of town and never bothered folks
except to mow their lawn, and women and blacks knew their place. The
code for this is embedded in the current caterwauling from conservatives who want to take their country back.
goes with what I believe is a hallmark of the fundamentalist mindset:
the ability to subsume a philosophy to suit personal needs. In
Christianity and Islam, for example, you have religions that place high
premiums on respect for fellow humans, peace, and personal integrity.
Yet fundamentalists are frequently the most violent, dishonest, and
intolerant people around. Furthermore, they often use their religion to
rationalize their repulsive behavior. In conservatism, you often find people
who champion the Bill of Rights, “small government,” and a laissez faire
approach to economics, while loudly cheering for a gross militarism and
tax structures that have been shown to benefit only the richest five percent of the population.
emotional and intellectual contradiction is how conservatives are able
to condemn what they perceive as dishonest and immoral behavior on
President Obama’s part (i.e., “tax cheats”) while at the same time accepting an economic philosophy responsible for the most atrocious financial meltdown since the Great Depression. It’s how Republicans can damn
Democrats as being fiscally irresponsible even whileevery modern republican president has bith grown the government and left us with record-breaking deficits.
One of the more interesting issues in the paper is “The Theory of RWA ,”
in which the authors consider the Authoritarian Personality. They
state, “harsh parenting styles brought on by economic hardship led
entire generations to repress hostility toward authority figures and to
replace it with an exaggerated deference and idealization of authority
and tendencies to blame society scapegoats and punish deviants.”
Angry, repressed, passive-aggressive, with an overwhelming desire to punish those who don’t conform to the status quo or who disagree with them.
Yup, sounds like our boys!
may not stop people from growing up to be right-wingers. Many people
can no more choose to be conservative than they can choose their sexual
orientation. But hey, you can't say I didn't try.
Coming up next are treatments on black conservatives, and the genetic foundations of personality and political affiliations.
Jost, J. T., Glaser, J., Kruglanski, A. W., & Sulloway, F. J. (2003). Political conservatism as motivated social cognition. Psychological Bulletin, 129(3), 339-375.
J. T., Glaser, J., Kruglanski, A. W., & Sulloway, F. J. (2003 ).
Exceptions that prove the rule -- using a theory of motivated social
cognition to account for ideological incongruities and political
anomalies: Reply to Greenberg and Jonas (2003). Psychological Bulletin, 129(3), 383-393.