Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess

Hola Everybody,
Today is my Princess’ birthday!

Wow! Where do I begin? I have never met Princess in person, but my interactions with her led me to call her princess. One day, I went to leave her a QC on 360 and she was princess and princess she remains.

She’s hilarious, has a wicked sense of humor that’s totally incongruous with that angel’s face. But underneath the jokes and cutting up, there’s a sensitive woman who feels deeply, who has experienced life and yet hasn't allowed that to make her bitter. And then sometimes she’ll leave a comment that unveils an intelligence that broadsides me, takes me for a loop.

It’s no secret I’m sweet on Melissa, what man in his right mind wouldn’t be? Why wouldn't I want to get know this woman better? With eyes of amber that make the real thing pale in comparison, and being smart, funny, accessible, and beautiful would be enough for almost any woman I know. But noooo, she had to take it over the edge, she's also kind and that makes it sooo unfair.

Happy Birthday Princess, wish I were there to serve you breakfast in bed ::grin::

* * *

Nows [no. 13]

You are not more perfect than anyone.

But you have a
fine line of style,

a sharpened sense
of your outer edge...

the changing purposes
and possibilities for
your eyes and your ass.

A master of the passive assault,
you caress me
with your passing glances,
and lure me to adventure
with a smile...

I can never be sure I saw.

-- Edward-Yemil Rosario ©

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