Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In Praise of Women (repost)

Hola Everybody,
Don’t really have much time today in the AM, meetings and stuff. Ever had one of those dreams in which you find yourself running from some unknown danger and the more you run, the more you realize you haven’t gone anywhere?

That’s my life right now. LOL

I’m only half-kidding actually, it really appears that way sometimes. It is at such times I guess one needs to stop running, no? I wrote about emotional quicksand once and that’s where I find myself today, so I should take my own advice and roll with it.

Gird your loins, boys and girls! LMAO!

I got home last night, turned on my laptop and promptly fell asleep…

Today? repost…

* * *

-=[ In Praise of Women ]=-

As men, we are conditioned to respond to challenges as a way of growth. As boys, other boys challenge us into inspiration: “I bet you can’t run faster than Flaco.” In the armed forces, you are called a worthless piece of shit, and this insult is supposed to challenge you to be your best ::sigh:: Therefore, as men, we are probably conditioned to challenge others, including our women, in order to get them to grow and improve.

However, if you do this, you will only succeed in getting your woman’s masculine aspect to grow. The divine feminine thrives on support and praise. For example, telling her, “I hope you stop gaining weight,” is a lot less effective than telling her, “I love the shape of your ass.”

I often am accused of being a silver-tongued devil because I use praise a lot. But all my praise, especially when it comes to women, is genuine. Praise always magnifies the radiance of the woman you praise. “You’re so beautiful when you smile,” is much more effective than, “You’re ugly when you frown,” although both indicate a desire for a smile. It is my experience that when it comes to women, it is always better to call the glass half full than half empty. And this is not merely about superficial choices or manipulation. My praise is not intended as a strategy to get my needs fulfilled.

You might say that this should hold for anyone, not just women, but I beg to differ. While it is an effective tool for all, praise is what the feminine essence craves. She opens like a flower when you praise your woman. Praise is like sustenance for the feminine essence. If you truly want your woman to shine, to radiate health and happiness, love and beauty, praise those qualities. Praise her daily, many times.

I often joke that all my women develop more beautiful asses as a result of being with me, because that's all I do is praise their asses. Shit, I've been know to genuflect and pray to a woman's behind! LOL

This is not an easy task for most men to learn, but we must learn to praise the very qualities we feel are least worthy of praise in order for them to become worthy. In less convoluted language, praise the quality which you desire to see grow. If you want your woman to be healthier through exercise, don’t tell her that. It will feel like an insult to her – a rejection of the way she is now. Instead try telling her how sexy she looks when she sweats in her workout tights. Tell her how much it turns you to watch her move her body. Whatever parts of her body you really like, tell her, and tell her often.

Praising the things you enjoy when she exercises will magnify her exercising. On the flip side, telling her she should exercise indicates that she is unacceptable to you the way she is. Praise heals and nurtures. Challenge and subtle condemnation destroys your woman’s feminine essence.

Try it.

Praise specific things about your woman 5-10 times a day.

See what happens...



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