Saturday, July 24, 2010

Naked is the Night

¡Hola! Everybody...
Some of the worst, most atrocious examples of writing can be found in the social sciences. I think a large part of the reason is that social scientists try too hard to make their writing sound “scientific.”

Every once in a while, however, you run into some great writers who also happen to be great social scientists. Case in point, Luc Sante’s Low Life, the story of New York's Lower East Side, circa 1840-1920. Sante may not be a “social scientist” in the strict sense of the word, but damn! his insights and how he brings to life the culture of the streets that continues to influence our contemporary popular culture, is a rare and wonderful fusion of art and science. Check this little gem of a paragraph…

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-=[ The Naked Night ]=-

The night is the corridor of history, not the history of famous people, or great events, but that of the marginal, the ignored, the suppressed, the unacknowledged; the history of vice, error, of confusion, of fear, of want; the history of intoxication, of vainglory, of delusion, of dissipation, of delirium. It strips off the city’s veneer of progress and modernity and civilization and reveals the wilderness. In New York City it is an accultured wilderness that contains all the accumulated crime of past nights… and it is not an illusion. It is the daytime that is the chimera, that pretends New York is anyplace, maybe with bigger buildings, but just as workaday, with a population that goes about its business and then goes to sleep, a great machine humming away for the benefit of the world. Night reveals this to be a pantomime. In the streets at night, everything kept hidden comes forth, everyone is subject to the rules of chance, everyone is potentially both murderer and victim, everyone is afraid, just as anyone who sets his or her mind to it can inspire fear in others. At night, everyone is naked.


  1. I am a social scientist (at least I draw a paycheck from a University department); I'm not going to try to persuade you that you are being unkind to us - the writing is pretty bad. HOWEVER< compared to Luc Sante virtually everyone looks oafish. So that is a pretty unfair comparison. (Among the things social scientists are pretty good at is picking up on illicit moves like that.)

  2. Touche Jim! LOL

    However, I must insist: the social sciences are plagued with examples horrendous, obtuse, unnecessarily jargon-riddled writing regardless of the comparison. I chose Luc Sante because I feel he exemeplifies the great things that can happen we we drop the need to sound technical.

    I do think the younger generation is recieving more (better?) guidance on writing and language.


What say you?


[un]Common Sense