Saturday, December 19, 2015

Your Sleep

Hola mi Gente,
Still looking for work. Wish me luck!

Today is Saturday and at [un]Common Sense, Saturday is about the arts. This one is mine…

* * *

Nows [XVIV]

Your sleep:
I have watched you wake --
a spectacle,
a spontaneous vision of honesty.

Your long legs
yawn open
and your arms reach out
for a missing star.

You are reluctant,
deserting your dream,
surrendering to the pink wound
of a new day.

And you reach out for me,
silently, without a plan,
and it is enough.

Your touching me
will always be enough.

It says what no poem
will ever say,
what no words could ever tell me.

* * *

My name is Eddie and I’m in recovery from civilization…


[un]Common Sense