Hola mi gente,
I usually write these the night before
I publish them and then a product I use, Symphony,
publishes them to all my social media accounts (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
It’s a great blog tool for people who are serious bloggers. If you use it,
mention you heard it here first.
Consequential Thinking
Complexity is the destiny of thoughtful
individuals, from which they will never be rescued.
-- Leon Wieseltier
is a pernicious mindset that dominates our approach to social policies. Bluntly
put, we live in a culture of blame:
It’s your fault!
illiterate? It’s your fault and your parents’!
and classism don’t exist because we all know that there’s no relationship
between individual motivation and larger
oppressive societal forces.
state of education has everything to do with the stupid little meanies -- our supposedly
over-sexed, willfully ignorant children of today. Never mind that today’s
generation has lower rates of drug use and teen pregnancy than previous
generations. And it has nothing to do with the adults that don’t have
the will, nor empathy for a coherent education policy.
all know it’s all on the individual, therefore, if individuals from your
family/ community are going to prison at higher rates than others, it’s, yup, your
fault. It has nothing to do with systems
created to benefit one demographic at the expense of another.
new (and improved) racism is clothed in the language and myth of rugged
individualism. We made it without any “handouts,” some seem to be saying, and
an inability to break into the mainstream is the fault of greedy black and
brown people expecting a free ride. I guess the irony of a nation built on land
stolen from Indians and the slave labor of blacks is lost on such people. Or
the fact that the
vast portion of “free stuff” go to the richest is lost in a sea of
proactive ignorance.
logic has no place at the core of a right wing social movement marked by a resistance
to change and a tolerance for inequality, as well as some common
psychological factors such as: fear and aggression, dogmatism and intolerance
of uncertainty, among others.
you believe that a microscopic clump of cells in a Petri dish possesses the
same rights as you?
first became interested in public policy during an undergraduate course in
Metro Studies. I had the kind of teacher we all love: passionate, knowledgeable
about his subject, and able to communicate complex concepts in ways that were
both enlightening and easily understandable.
was immediately drawn to the issue of consequences and public policy. As with
everything, there are intended and unintended consequences to the
public policies we implement. For example, declaring
a racialized “drug war” and taking a punitive approach as a response to
addiction/ drug problem had the unintended (some say intended) consequence of exploding our prison population
to the extent that we now incarcerate more people per capita than any other
nation in the world. We incarcerate more blacks than were slaves in 1840, years
before the Civil War.
drug war and the unprecedented mass incarceration that resulted also had the
unintended consequence of draining resources away from education (there’s a
direct correlation
between increased prison spending and decreased education spending),
and early enrichment programs, after school programs, etc. In fact, we went
from a nation seeking a Great Society to a nation of prisons.
you believe public schools should actively teach children to disregard the validity
of the scientific theory of evolution?
point being that while it may sound nice to get up on your cyber soap box and
yell out stupid shit such as, “tough on crime!” these sentiments, so prevalent
today, hold dire consequences for all of us. I think many of us like to stand
on the sidelines and pass judgment. We de-fund education and then chastise our
young. We make it almost impossible to for poor
single mothers to get ahead and then pass moral judgment on them. We
sit back apathetically, while a right-wing religious fringe movement advocates abstinence-only
programs that empirical research has shown to be at best
ineffective, at worst dangerous. We adults then pass judgment on the resulting
mess -- rates of teen pregnancy and abortions rates that lead all developed
you believe legally available contraception is producing a “culture of death”
in the United States?
as if we all have decided to live not as a society, but as millions separated
nuclear entities, where the law of the jungle -- get yours and fuck the rest --
is the rule.
social policies are the result of a nation of people who have been hoodwinked
into choosing the very policies that do them the most harm, because, as global
warming shows us, we’re all inextricably connected. What happens to you and to
me, and everyone else, affects us as individuals and as a society.
you believe that the United States should be a Christian nation?
for the questions in italics? Unfortunately for too many of us the answers to
the questions are yes. And that, not Trump, should scare you...
name is Eddie and I’m in recovery from civilization…