Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Crab Men

¡Hola! Everybody,
Nothing like real life to put things in their proper context. First, I got the bad news late last night that my sister had to be admitted to a hospital where they found a massive growth. They’re doing tests in order to find out what it is and what steps to take next. Then this morning, my good friend Iris let me know that her father passed away.

* * *

¡Hola! Everybody,
Nothing like real life to put things in their proper context. First, I got the bad news late last night that my sister had to be admitted to a hospital where they found a massive growth. They’re doing tests in order to find out what it is and what steps to take next. Then this morning, my good friend Iris let me know that her father passed away.

Iris: I love you, ma and if there is any way i can ease your burden, let me know...

* * *

The Crab Mentality and Bitch-Ass Niggas

People often begrudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves.”

In the face of life, the functionally illiterate meanderings of the fools on the internet and real life pale and shrink. Life puts the stupidity rampant on the internet and life in general in its proper perspective and I begin to see individuals for what they are truly are -- clowns. Most of the clowns have probably never picked up a book and if you asked, they would proudly proclaim their view that intellectual stimulation is watching The Learning Channel.

I’m thankful for my life’s experiences because I’ve had the opportunity to learn from many sources. In prison, for example, we called a lot of the behavior you see here on 360 (and in real life) “The Crab Mentality.” Crab mentality describes a way of thinking best exemplified by the phrase “if I can't have it, neither can you.” The metaphor refers to a bucket of crabs in which one crab tries to escape over the side, but is forever pulled down by the others in the pot. Ever watched a bucket of crabs?

This term is associated with shortsighted, non-constructive thinking rather than a unified, long-term, constructive mentality. It is also used colloquially in reference to individuals or communities attempting to “escape” a so-called “underprivileged life,” but kept from doing so by those others of the same community.

One example of a crab mentality is when people on here accuse me of being educated, as if that was a bad thing. “Not fair,” they scream. “You used research, logic, and intelligence to tear apart my argument!” and the sad part is that these individuals fail to see their own commitment to ignorance.

Last night, I acted like an asshole and insulted a lady in a way that is uncharacteristic of me. This post is in no way meant to rationalize or excuse my behavior. I was wrong. My words were cruel and my intention was to do harm and I succeeded in that. That’s just plain wrong and I’m here to say that I acted like an asshole.


I have since spoken with the lady in question and offered my apologies. Some things you just can’t take back and I understand the ramifications. I’m here to say that I am accountable for my words and deeds and if I have to pay the consequences, then so be it. I say this publicly because my words were offered in a public manner and I think it’s only right to offer the apology publicly. Emily, I was totally wrong and off base with my remarks to you and I offer my genuinely heartfelt apologies. I’m an asshole sometimes, there’s no getting around that.

Having said all that (and believe me that wasn’t easy), I will say that it never ceases to amaze me how the crabs come out at the first sign of discontent. I mean, ladies, honestly now: do you really think a ma’fucca that practically jumps out of the bushes when you have a misunderstanding with a man has your best interests at heart? what does it say aboput a person’s character when they transparently attempt to inflate their egos at the expense of another? well, I have my own terminology for such people. I’m going to call such individuals for what they are: bitch-ass niggas, to borrow the Kat Williams phrase. A bitch ass nigga is an individual suffering from an acute case of crab mentality. Bitch ass niggas are thirsty ma’fuccas clocking my every move and pouncing on the situation as soon as they see shit ain’t working out between myself and a young lady. A bitch ass nigga is hiding in the bushes and playing my cock so close that they practically fell all over themselves last night in their thirsty attempt to ingratiate themselves at my expense.

This is for the crab bitch ass niggas all over my cock: brothers, what are you doing all in my business when it comes to an interaction with a lady? Did she ask you to jump up out of your tree, ma’fucca? Do you realize how thirsty and skeevy you appear when you attempt to make yourself feel bigger at my expense? Why do you act like a bitch ass nigga?

The thing is, half these crab bitch ass niggas can’t even write to save their smelly asses and that’s why they don’t address me directly. This is, after all, a text-based medium and in order to account for yourself a reading level of higher than at least the eighth grade is necessary. Otherwise, they’re entering a fight with no ammo. Now ain’t that some shit? Entering an intellectual battle with no ammunition!

And for the crab bitch-ass niggas that are reading this and don’t like it? Fuck you ma’fucca and stop riding my nuts and hanging on to my QCs and my interactions with women. The bottom line is that it’s none of your business and you don’t know what the fuck is going on anyway.

Is it?

I would be embarrassed if my thirst uncovered the bitch ass in me as it has uncovered your own bitch-assness. This is the equivalent of jumping into a conversation that you really have no business in the first place. We used to call ma’fuccas like that “blockers.” But it’s really all a variation on a theme of the crab mentality that manifests itself a bitch-ass nigga.

When put in its proper perspective and in light of the fact that people are living and dying all over the place, a bitch-ass nigga has little relevance in life. In fact, I would submit they have little relevance in their own measly, miserable lives. But every once in a while, I have to call it for what it is: the Crab Mentality.



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