I just noticed that I hardly ever visit the front page of my Multiply site. I apologize if you’ve left me a comment there and I haven’t responded. It’s just that I hardly ever go there. LOL!
The following is no prank, I met some of the women organizing the NYC portion of the event. The protest is to take simultaneously in major cities across the Read on...
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-=[ National “Go Topless” Day! ]=-
“As long as men can be topless, constitutionally women should have the same right, or men should also be forced to wear something hiding their chest.”
-- Rael
[Note: Events begin at noon in every city. Cities with events are listed below at the end of this post]
The following is taken from the Go Topless! website (click here to visit their site)
Welcome to Gotopless.org! - We are a
Rael, spiritual leader and founder of gotopless.org states: “As long as men can be topless, constitutionally women should have the same right, or men should also be forced to wear something hiding their chest.”
Why a National Go Topless Protest day? Gotopless.org claims constitutional equality between men and women on being topless in public. Currently, women who dare to be topless in public in the
Why this protest in August? In 1970, Congress designated August 26th as “Women’s Equality Day as a reminder of women’s continuing efforts for equality.” It is indeed on August 26, 1920, after a 72-year struggle, that the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the
What will happen that day? Across
Top-free performances will be given by various artists to honor Women’s Equality Day and to convey how natural it is to be top-free for women in public just as it is for men. Please write to us if you are an artist who would like to participate in one of our shows.
Go Topless! is organizing major events everywhere --- starting time is NOON LOCAL TIME.
Participants in the Go Topless! event on August 23, 2008 are prohibited from engaging in any destructive or criminal conduct aside from the women's possible civil disobedience act of being topless in public.
Participating Cities:
(starting time is not noon but 3PM for
If you would like to organize an event in your city or town, please contact us, we will be delighted to assist you so you too can claim your constitutional right to be topless in public as a woman.
[Note: I say if your city is not listed above, that’s a sign that you’re either dead, or close to it. Check your pulse or if you live a Stepford Wife life. *grin*]
Past Go Topless Actions/ Victories:
GOTOPLESS Interview on Playboy Radio (August 19th)
Janet Jackson's breast: The Nipplegate case. Recap of Janet Jackson's legal repercussions from her breast exposure during Superbowl 2004
June 04 2007, NYC pays $29,000 over topless arrest. Police seized bare-breasted artist despite court ruling allowing toplessness.
Breast feeding in public: law and social pressure. In the
USA latest breastfeeding court case. Here are the latest incidences about breastfeeding in public in the leading democracy in the world in the 21st century.
There’s more at their website, check it out, it’s more interesting and relevant than you would think. For example, here’s a brief vid on NYC’s famous “Top Free Seven” the women who made it legal for women to go topless in NYC:
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