Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Sermon (Masturbation)

¡Hola! Everybody...
I haven’t mentioned it, but a former lover had invited me to the inauguaration on Tuesday. I was tempted to accept, but this is an individual who has, in my nopinion, an unhealthy attachment to me. I would go, but then there’s a consequence to my acceptance that I’m not willing to pay...

I went to see Last Chance Harvey with a friend yesterday and it was a pleasant movie. Actually, it was more of a pleasure to watch to monstrously talented actors, Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson, interact with one another.

Someone asked about Tantra...

* * *

-=[ Masturbation ]=-

Yes, you got that right: my Sunday Sermon is on masturbation....

As you read these words right now, feel what you are most afraid you might read under the heading “Masturbation.” Quickly now -- right now -- what are you afraid you might read? (Think about this question before you move on.)

“Masturbation” is the title of my “sermon” today. Once you can feel what you feared you might read, then imagine yourself doing it. Whatever you were afraid of reading under the heading “Masturbate,” imagine yourself doing it in a way that your body relaxes and your heart opens so you can offer your love to others more fully.

Now imagine all the people in the world are watching you, and pleasure yourself for them -- so their hearts open.

I know that at a very real level your life feels smaller than you know it could be.


Part of the reason is your fear of unashamed pleasure. This fear limits the fully embodied flow of life’s force that you can enjoy even all by yourself.

If you want pleasure, there are no excuses and no one to blame. Either you have no limits to the pleasure you allow to flow through your body, or you’re cultivating fear. Pleasure is energy and energy is the movement of love. Is love free to move through every part of your body while masturbating?

If you don’t bother to feel what you are most afraid of reading under the heading “Masturbation,” then you are most likely too hesitant or fearful to accomplish much of anything that is important in your life. You’ll go through life feeling that true love or inspiration is lacking, or that you just don’t have the energy.

Imagine masturbating to a Divine ecstasy. Open your heart and offer your body to love’s force, exploding like an exquisite current of electricity through your trembling, pulsating flesh, even in the face of your fear, shame, or laziness.

If you can’t or you won’t, then you are habitually cheating your ability to offer your body as a source of love’s energy. To offer yourself fully, relax your whole body as love’s pleasure, and imagine radiating happiness to everyone.

First you most open yourself to love’s flow, in spite of your fear. Then, and only then, you will be able to open others to love’s shining and radiant pleasure.



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