Friday, April 23, 2010

The TGIF Sex Blog [Love Letter]

¡Hola! Everybody...
My phone isn’t working correctly. No innanets! ::sigh::

Allow me a moment of self-indulgence. I love letters. Do you?

-=[ A Letter to my Lover ]=-

Dearest Lover,

How would you live if you lived your life as an expression of your fearless deepest heart?

Inspired by your liberated love, you might become a mother, a teacher, or a writer. Perhaps you would invent a new healing modality or create music. You might become an earth mother on a farm, or an attorney. Love moves each person in a different way.

Forget the horoscope, if you want to know your true destiny, it is to be found in the way love moves you. When you don’t add fear to love’s power, your life unfolds unrestricted like a flower. Each day is a flowering of your gifts. At work, with your family and friends, alone -- each moment springs open from the core of your heart.

If you want to know how to allow your true destiny to unfold, be in this moment right now. Stop. Listen. Allow your breath to be full, strong, and tender, as if you were pressing love from deep inside of you into the softness of your lover. Relax your muscles, open your senses, and feel into the world around you, as if feeling into the soft, bright luminosity of a dream, breathing this light in and out. From deep in your heart and soft belly, offer love outward in the direction of the winds as far as you can open to feel. This is your true destiny and it unfolds freely when you live every moment open and shining as an offering of love.

However, if you add fear -- and many of us do -- then your life takes the shape of your dread. Anxiety about finances stunts the creativity of your career. Fear of abandonment strangles honesty with your lover. Your gut tenses because you don’t want really want to be where you are.

Fear, dearest, is the opposite of love.

Few men and women live their true destiny. Most follow that arc bent by fear. Your true destiny is lived only by giving everything and loving openly without waiting.

If you’re waiting to open fully, then your heart is aching as your life shrivels in the shape of your chosen sorrows. Your bedtime snuggles and rituals can lessen your pangs of unlived love for a while, but your heart’s pain slowly grows to the unbearable.

Sometimes a crisis cracks open your heart. Your business goes under, or a loved one becomes terminally ill. Stripped of what you most cherish, you are left open and unprotected. And sometimes a flower grows from that crack...

Inevitably, you come to face the one truth: Everything you acquire is eventually lost. Everybody you hold eventually dies. If you have been waiting to love without holding back, while your life -- everyone’s life -- passes, then you have bartered your true destiny for the false comfort of safety and quiet sorrow.

Your true destiny is lived by opening as love and offering your deepest gifts, this very moment, in this very life. How you do this -- as a mother of three, a teacher, or an artist -- is for you to discover as each moment unfolds as love.

If you have chosen a life shaped by the illusion of security, you can feel your true destiny in your heart, waiting to be lived, wanting to open as the offering of your life. As you open and offer your deepest gifts, your life can flower once again. As you slowly break through your heart’s dread, your sexual depth may open to your lover more fully. Your business may acquire a new innovation. Anything can happen once your heart unfolds and your moments open wide as love.

Your true destiny may seem less predictable than the imitation you have spent years constructing and holding in place. The choice is yours in every moment. You can choose to hold the shape of your fear as a consolation lifestyle. It only costs your life.



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