Saturday, May 22, 2010


¡Hola! Everybody…
Amazingly, there are people actually entertaining the right of private businesses to discriminate. WTF?!! Also, notice that those who support the racist Arizona immigration law (SB 1070) are usually the same people who refuse to acknowledge Obama’s legitimacy? The Arizona “show me your papers” law and the people who refuse to accept Obama citizenship are all connected. It seems we’ve fallen asleep and we’re back to Jim Crow.

* * *

Nows [XVIV]

Your sleep:
I have watched you wake --
a spectacle,
a spontaneous vision of honesty.

Your long legs
yawn open
and your arms reach out
for a missing star.

You are reluctant,
deserting your dream,
surrendering to the pink wound
of a new day.

And you reach out for me,
silently, without a plan,
and it is enough.

Your touching me
will always be enough.

It says what no poem
will ever say,
what no words could ever tell me.

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[un]Common Sense