Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ignorance is Strength

Hola Everybody,
I was going to stay quiet today as a way of honoring those many good people who perished on September 11th, 2001. However, I have come to realize how misguided my notion of honoring would be. In keeping quiet, I would be dishonoring the memory of my fellow New Yorkers who perished in the towering inferno that crumbled on that lovely, crisp, sunny late-summer day.

All these years and we still have no real answers to wait truly happened that day. all we have is a senseless war fought in the name of those that fell that day -- a war that has nothing to do with the events that transpired that day six years ago. What's pathetic is that all even most intelligent people can say is that we can't pull out of a war that was instigated on false pretexts, because it would make matters worse. Huh?!. If we're lucky, maybe our grandchildren will be able to ask us, “What the fuck were you thinking, grandpa/ grandma? Did you fall asleep? How did you allow yourself to be led to slaughter so easily?”

At least, I hope our descendants are smart enough to see through the bullshit, because we sure as shit aren't.

Wait! Let's spend a meaningless, banal hour watching American Idol!

Look over there! Al Qaeda! Bend over, it's your patriotic duty! Hoo-rah!

Fuck you with that bullshit. Patriotism isn't wrapping yourself in a flag while you are being fleeced. Patriotism is understanding that democracy is a participatory endeavor. I am sooo sick and tired of the clichés, of the willful ignorance. I wonder if you all have lost your fuckin' minds.

And yeah, you damn skippy, today, of all days, is not only a day to remember, but also a day to get fuckin' pissed off. People died. We dishonor all those people who died by sitting back on our collective fat asses and worry more about gas prices and misunderstanding why gas in taxed (if you don't understand, ask the families of those who died on the bridge in Minnesota).

People? All these years and we have no answers, only more questions. I abhor conspiracy theories because the truth is usually not about conspiracies, but about apathy and contempt by the powerful for the have-nots. You are expendable because those in power don't fear you. And why should they? All you do is get fat while watching fuckin so-called reality shows or looking at Paris Hilton’s coochie.

Fuck you! You don't give a shit, so stop it with the flags and all the bullshit. You have only your interest in mind, so stop that bullshit!

Like I said, I hate conspiracy theories, they usually distract from the truth, and that's what matters to me. However, in looking at all the unanswered questions surrounding the events of 9/11, I have to wonder. Google “9/11 conspiracy” and you'll get millions of hits. It seems as if everybody and their mother has a theory. Many are ridiculous, but some are beginning to strike a nerve with me because this administration has actively fought against an open and independent investigation into 9/11. That resistance has made me look into the plausibility of some bonafide conspiracy theories.

I can't get into all of them, but the ones that I feel have the most validity are the ones that submit that the attacks were used to pursue an unrelated war and inappropriately restrict civil liberties.

The basic underlying motivation for most 9/11 conspiracy theories is the belief in the Bush administration's desire to have the American people rally around the administration and thus have a better way to pursue its domestic and foreign agendas. If anything, 9/11 and The Patriot Act had the effect of suppressing domestic opposition to the Bush administration for the better part of two years. Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11 as admitted now even by most Bush administration officials, was invaded largely on a lie by the administration that they were at least partly responsible for the 9/11 attacks. There is still a small percentage of the US Population that believes this (mostly neocons who watch only fox news). Even among those who don't believe this, there are many who view the invasion of Iraq as some sort of just retribution for 9/11 because there are Muslims in Iraq. This is just plain insane, makes no sense.

It isn't necessary to believe in any of the other conspiracy theories to believe the Bush administration used 9/11 as the Nazis used the Reichstag fire in 1933. The Nazis used the Reichstag fire to fire up German patriotism and silence their political opponents as unpatriotic and supporting Germany's enemies. Indeed, the parallels between the Patriot act after 9/11 and the German Reichstag fire, as well as the wars that eventually followed both are hard to ignore. These types of incidents are called False Flag attacks, described here in Wikipedia and are common throughout history. Wikipedia provides examples of over seven false flag attacks/operations in the 20th century alone, including one by the US and the British to overthrow the government of Iran in 1953.

False flag attacks are common because governments know that most people will support a war if they are led to believe their country is attacked. As the Nazi war criminal, Herman Goering, stated in a 1945 interview: “the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Now, this is why I'm of the strong belief that the Bush administration used the 9/11 attacks to purse an unconstitutional agenda. Let's assume, for argument's sake, that official story is true -- that a criminal organization attacked a few buildings with planes and killed many people.

Let's stop here for a moment... 

That is what it was: a group of thugs attacked a few buildings. Those who conspired with them should have been captured and brought to justice and that should be the extent of it.
This brings me full circle to the Patriot Act (which many of you don't even know about). You do not restrict the rights of 300 million people to do that. You do not attack a completely unrelated country. I believe it is obvious that the Bush administration misused the 9/11 attacks to pursue their domestic and foreign agenda. Once you accept that, you have accepted the idea that Bush and his administration are criminal and evil. Once you know that, it becomes easier to accept a deeper level of involvement in the attacks. Because of this, I am also leaning toward the theories that submit that the Bush administration had warning regarding the 9/11 attacks.

Today, a former New York mayor who is running for the presidency and for whom 9/11 has been a career saver will most likely attend the 9/11 ceremonies. I seethe at the thought. This is the same man who demanded that the hub of emergency services be located in the World trade Center though his own experts advised against that. Hence, the first fuck up, Rudy Giuliani, become a hero -- “America's mayor” -- even though he basically fucked up. We had no emergency center in the midst of the most crucial American tragedy. He also fucked up because he didn't show leadership on making sure firefighters got radios that actually worked. Thanks Rudy, you're a real hero!

I say all this because I feel silence is the most horrible disrespect to the many innocent men and women who died in those attacks. The saying goes that all that is needed for evil to conquer is that good men (and women) keep quiet.

Fuck that! Fuck you if you're standing by idly.

For further research into the 9/11 conspiracy theories and counter-arguments, click here

My name is Eddie and I'm in recovery from civilization...

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