Thursday, August 20, 2009

Relationship Thursdays [The Single Life... Commitment]

¡Hola! Everybody...
It’s the summer and this here post is a “summer re-rerun”... been busy working my way back to you, girl. LOL

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-=[ The Single Life... & Commitment ]=-

Most of you don’t know me in the sense of ever having met me in person. I do have a large percentage of internet friends who know me in real life, however. Truth be told, many of you who read me know me in ways my friends who don’t blog don’t. In my striving to be open here, there are aspects of me that you get to see in ways that people in the real world won’t or can’t. Not because I don’t put it out there, but because sometimes even those close to us have preconceptions that filter their perceptions of who we are.

Having said this I must also add that my internet persona, while real, is only an aspect of my total personality. The internet brings out the “performer” side of me, the side I show when with a group or in front of an audience. Those who have met me in a group setting know that I’m completely out of control. I push the envelope, do and say things I’m not supposed to do and say, and generally create mayhem and havoc.

But that’s only one aspect of my personality. Usually, I’m more reserved and thoughtful when it comes to one-on-one interactions. So much so, that those who know only my “performer” side tend to think something’s off or wrong.

In addition, and contrary to those vicious rumors flying about, you can talk to me for hours and sex will not come up as a topic. This is true, though I know hard to believe.

On top of it all, I’m not nearly the slut in real life that I am here. I’m pretty much upfront and clear about my needs and where I stand, but I’m not a whore in the narrow sense of the word.

I’m a big whore.

This brings me to what I’ve been mulling over in my head these past couple of days. I am single by choice and I do what single guys do -- I date and generally totally enjoy the company of women. In fact, I hang out a lot with women to the point where some of my girlfriends kid that I like being in the hen house too much.

Shoot me, I like women.

So, I’m single I love the company of women, and do admit to being sexually motivated. If that makes me a slut, then so be it! LOL However (!!), when I’m in a relationship, I commit to staying true to that relationship. To me that means I don’t go out whoring, especially if my significant other isn’t into open relationships. This makes me think about my friend. We used to hang out a lot, but now he’s in a relationship and I tend not to hang out with him as much.

When I was married, I did not hang out with too many single men. Why? Because when single men go out, they go out for one reason and one reason alone. And that reason is unhealthy to any relationship I may have at the moment. If I’m married, I have no business hanging out with mostly single men on weekends because single men are on the make.


And for you guys out there shaking your heads? Save it for the missus, because I know better.

Don’t misunderstand, when I was married, I did things on my own hung out -- guys’ nights out --occasionally. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, you shouldn’t be hanging out all the time with single guys at clubs all the time because eventually you’re gonna fuck someone who ain't your woman!

Hang out in the barbershop long enough, and you’re gonna get a haircut, eventually. And as much as you or I say we love our woman, how much she means to us, and how we would never do something like that, if you’re hanging out in a single lifestyle often enough, you’re gonna act out.

Please, stop the bullshit, you and I both know is true, even if your woman will swear up and down you won’t do something like that, you and I both know it’s bullshit. You will stick your dick in that pretty young thing, and then feel bad after the fact.

Which makes me wonder why my friend insists on hanging out with me so much? To the point where he brings her along sometimes! People, don’t be bringing your woman to hang out with me when I want to do single type things because eventually I’m going to ditch you. And if you feel such a strong need to hang out with your single brothers so much, what does that say about your commitment?

You can’t be committed and act as if you’re single at the same time, brothers, get a grip. Moreover, while you’re at it, don’t bring your girl when I want to do my thing.




  1. Eddie, my dear cyber friend, that is precisely why I have trouble with marriage, did that once and it was good. Divorce was good too...though hurtful. I would like to have my cake and eat it know.

    I miss hanging out in crowds of friends like I did when just out of school. I love hanging with a group of friends that share with me an intellectually intimate relationship, but unlike "the boys or girls night out" the group is comprised of men and women.

    What say you? Why is that so hard man?

  2. Trust. that's it in a one word: trust.

    I have tro say that when I was married, my then wife sisn't have an issue because so many of my tight friends were women. In fact, she would become THEIR friend and they would all gang up on me. LOL

    Seriously, marriage takes a lot f compromise. I DO think that you get married, you are amkiing a choice to tone down the hanging out. You have to work on the marriage and that takes a lot of time and effort.

    So, in the end it's about comprise. If I were to enter into a serious, committed relationship right now, my single friends wouldn't be seeing me as much, that much is for sure.


What say you?


[un]Common Sense