Saturday, October 31, 2009

Finding and Getting Your Voice Heard

¡Hola! Everybody...
PEOPLE change the world...

I cribbed the following from a fellow activist on FB.

What? Any way you can get your message across counts.

You can either sit back and drone on about the end of time, or you can do something. I get the sense that sometimes people feel powerless. THAT'S the whole strategy, believe it or not.

I hope this serves you in some way...

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-=[ A Field-Manual to Getting Your Voice Heard ]=-

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change thew world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
-- Margaret Mead

Dear Facebook friends,

As you will see below, I recently wrote to my Facebook friend, Connie Schultz, asking for some guidance for you and me on how we might best impact Congress as the health care reform legislation process continues. Today, Nancy Pelosi unveiled the House version, and earlier Senator Reid put forth the Senate version – both with at least some form a public option. Now the real work of crafting the final legislation begins, and we deserved a seat at the table. Connie Schultz is a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and coincidentally is married to Senator Sherrod Brown, D-OH. Connie has in the past told me that our telephone calls really do make a difference. Today I asked her for her counsel on which of the many options we all have available to us might really be the most effective. Connie doesn’t advertise her relationship with Senator Brown, nor does she hide it, but she doesn’t want to be thought of as a “back alley” into his personal office. I have always respected that, and you will see that reflected in the correspondence below. With that in mind, I asked Connie how she would want me to share with you the information I know you all would want to have. She replied that she had no problem with revealing my sources (as journalists like to say!), so I have elected to simply reproduce our correspondence verbatim below. Connie’s’ initial response to my query contains all the information any of you will need to make your voice heard in Washington in these critical days and weeks ahead. Yes, we can..!

Use this simple link to easily call ALL your representatives NOW:

Click here

Please re-post this note for the benefit of all your Facebook friends.

* * *


Now that we have a real health care bill in both the House and the Senate, it’s clear that we all need to be contacting our representatives - supporting those who need our support, and convincing those who need our convincing. Many Facebook friends are asking me, “What’s the best thing we can be doing at this critical moment to make our voices heard?”

I have great respect for you, and you’ve told me before that Senators really do pay attention to their phone calls from constituents. We grassroots citizens have many options for action – we can phone our own representatives: we can phone representatives from other states and districts; we can send e-mails; we can send faxes; we can send real letters via the USPS; we can sign any number of online petitions; we can even protest in the streets and go to jail, as some of my Facebook friends bravely did in Baltimore yesterday.

My question to you is: which of these efforts is the best use of any citizen’s limited amount of time? Which are the most effective?

I look forward to hearing your response, and I’d also love to get your take on today’s House bill (your take, not the Senator’s) - and on where you believe we go from here.

All my best,

John Lundin



I am so grateful for your in-the-trenches activism.

Here's what works best: Original messages -- via e-mail, regular mail and phone messages -- to representatives and senators FROM THEIR CONSTITUENTS. I capitalize that because most offices have automatic filters for area codes, zip codes and IP addresses. Constituent mail is the only thing they care about because that is who they represent and -- in too many cases, unfortunately -- that is who is eligible to vote for or against them in the next election.

Even if you're fairly certain that your particular representative and senators will support what you support, it's important to weigh in. It gives them crucial ammunition to stand on the House and Senate floors and say: This is what the people of my state, my district, want. Can't overestimate the importance of this.

Online petitions and form letter/e-mails are far less effective. Personal narratives have the chance of inclusion in floor speeches.

I can't overemphasize the importance of weighing in now, in every direct and personal way possible. This is it. This is the time, particularly if we want to preserve the public option.

Also, calling in to local radio shows on the issue, and writing letters to the editor matter. I always encourage people to write letters to their local newspapers because, even if their letters do not run, editors are counting the responses as a way of gauging the mood of their readers.

Does this help?


* * *


Thank you so much for your kind note, and for taking the time to answer in such a comprehensive manner. Does it help? Absolutely!

May I copy your recommendations and broadcast them to my nearly 3,000 Facebook friends? I could do that in any number of ways: I could just send out copies of your note, of course, but I could also do so with modifications and without mentioning you, if you prefer. I would probably not mention your relationship to the Senator, assuming that's what you would prefer, but I would like to give your advice some extra credibility by saying something like, "Pulitzer-award winning columnist and wife of a sitting Senator." lol Doesn’t give you much cover, does it..? You tell me what works for you.

The other thing I can do is simply offer your advice as mine, and figure out a way of saying I have this on very good authority, but leaving you completely anonymous as the source.

In any case, I again give you my sincerest thanks for the helpful information. My friends are working on this, and they will pass on the marching orders to their hundreds of friends, and we will have thousands working on this - literally.

All my best,


* * *

John, if it helps you to identify me in all my roles -- ahem -- then do so. I've made no secret of my support for a public option, nor am I shy about publicly expressing my love and admiration for my husband, who has worked tirelessly for this issue since his election to the house in 1992. He still refuses to take the Congressional health coverage until all Americans have access to affordable health care. I made him get on my plan when we married in 2004; we pay about $350 a month for his coverage. Could not be prouder of him.

Excerpt as you see necessary. We need to pass to health care reform.


Friday, October 30, 2009

The TGIF Sex Blog [Sex Therapy]

¡Hola! Everybody...
I will be out in the field for most of the day. I didn’t have time to write anything new, but here’s an oldie but goodie... Have a great Dia de los Muertos!

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-=[ The Sadistic Therapist ]=-

[As most of you who read me regularly know, I don’t tire of reminding all and anybody that I at one time seriously considered a career as a Sex therapist. While I didn’t follow through on this career path, along the way I learned much regarding sex from the POV of many different cultures and time periods. I offered to answer any sex questions and, as usual, my intrepid internet friends responded.]

Dear Mr. Eddie,

I would really like to know why men are so fascinated with their penises. It seems to me that this is really weird and I am at a loss at why men are constantly touching it, referring to it, etc. Isn’t this behavior based on some fear/ insecurity/ unhealthy obsession? Could you help me understand this?

-- Clueless in FLA.

Well, Clueless,

It seems to me this is an easy one, but it will take some willingness to indulge me for e a sec: imagine your g-spot hanging, swingin’ large away from your body. Still with me? Now, imagine even further that women think it’s funny to kick you around that area where your precious g-spot swings perilously. Considering all this, wouldn’t you also develop an inordinate fascination with your penis?

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Fornicator! Sodomizer!

You will burn in hell for being a Sodomite. The Good Book explicitly states that anal sex is a sin. May God have mercy on your black soul!

In Love with Jaysus in Armpit, USA


OK! I’ll answer this one. First, I am of Puerto Rican descent and raised rubbing elbows with African Americans; my first kiss was stolen from a light-skinned lovely called Gail in the second grade. If I have any form of identification, it is with the “Black Urban Experience.” I’m like a house that’s painted white on the outside, but is black on the inside, so you’re correct in picking out my “Black” side. Secondly, while I don’t identify as a Christian (which will probably serve to further estrange me from your God), I was raised as a Catholic which means, like most Christians, I probably didn’t read the Bible. However, I have since then opened the good book and here is what I have found:

Anal sex is confusing to many Christians because of the attention paid to the Bible’s (supposed) condemnation of homosexual acts. However, nowhere does the Bible forbid anal sex between a male and female. On a tangential note, Jesus had nothing to say about homosexuality.

In fact, many Biblical passages allude to the act of anal sex between men and women. Lamentations 2:10 describes how “The virgins of Jerusalem have bowed their heads to the ground,” indicating how virginal maidens should position themselves to receive anal sex. The music group, The Dookers, put it more succinctly when they sang, “Face down/ ass up/ that’s the way we like to fuck!” Another suggestive scripture tells of a woman’s pride in her “valley” (a reference to her buttocks and the cleft between them) and entices her lover to ejaculate against her backside: “How boastful you are about the valleys! O backsliding daughter who trusts in her treasures, [saying,] 'Who will come against me?' (Jeremiah 49:4) And in the Song of Songs, the lover urges his mate to allow him to enter her from behind: “Draw me after you, let us make haste.” (Song of Solomon, 1:4)

Now, put that in your pipe (or ass) and smoke it!

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Dearest Eddie,

If there were more men like you around in this world, women wouldn't need pussies -- they'd probably atrophy from non-use and become a vestige organ like a freakin' appendix. LOL! Quit hating the pussy, Eddie! She's a sweet, purring, loving part of us women.

A Sweet Black Cherry in Manhattan

Whoa Black Cherry!

Who said I hate the pussy?!! Anyone who knows me even a little knows that my favorite scent is the smell of a freshly washed pussy: that intoxicating mixture of soap and musk never fails to awaken my erectile attention and I have been known to graze on the furze of many a pussy. I do, however, suffer from an anal fetish and adore women’s buttocks: that most unorthodox of altars to be worshipped on ones knees. I think there is no sexier pose than that of a naked woman, her back turned to me while looking back at me, a lovely smile on her face. It is then that that I weigh the infinite possibilities between her ass and her smile. LOL

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Dearest Eddie,

I often read your blog, though I think you’re just a nassy perve. Lately, I have become intrigued with the notion of anal sex, but every time I have tired it with my husband, it has been too painful and have had to stop. Is there anything wrong with me, or should we be doing something different? I would like to pleasure my man in this way, but won’t it always be painful and a one-way thing because the anus is not an erogenous zone?

Willing in Wisconsin

Dearest Willing,

First, allow me to commend you on your willingness to go the extra mile for your husband. You obviously are a considerate and generous lover. First, let me just say that the anus is an erogenous zone and if approached knowledgeably, gently and with forethought, anal sex can become a staple of monogamous sex, setting the tone for further exploration and moving away from sex as a duty.

The first thing to consider is communication: that your ass is like a delicate flower and should be treated as such. Before anal sex, there should be a discussion and a development of trust and agreed upon boundaries. Being with a trusting lover goes a long in helping you relax and making the experience the enjoyable experience it should be.

I would suggest beginning by using fingers or a small butt plug, as a way of familiarizing yourself to the feeling of being penetrated from behind. The anus has a bundle of nerve endings and if stimulated correctly, can induce pleasure. I have known more than a few women who have told me they have orgasm through anal sex. After initial exploration with smaller objects, a gradual introduction of the penis should begin. The man should be careful to be loving and gentle, kissing you while initially resting his cock head at the entrance of your ass. Most women find the “spoon” position best for accommodating a penis in their ass.

The best way, or how I would do it, would be to position my cock at your ass and allow you to be in control of the penetration process. Sufficient lubrication should be applied beforehand, of course. Once he has his cock at the entrance, let him nudge the head a little while you push back. If you’re uncomfortable, or feel too much discomfort, let him know and just stay at a level that’s comfortable for you. You may not achieve full anal penetration the first few times, but eventually you will become more comfortable with the act. I have yet to meet a woman who wasn’t able to take the full length of my cock in her ass. My penis is not huge, it’s probably about seven inches, but with practice, learning to relax your anal sphincter, you should be able to accommodate your husband in this way.

Here are some general rules:

  • Communicate with your partner, no “surprising” them (no “Oooops!”).
  • Lubricate well with a water-based lubricant and use a condom (especially in non-monogamous relationships).
  • For the woman, relaxing and pushing out with the muscles of the anus helps with some women finding lying on their side as the most comfortable position for entry.
  • Objects should not be poked into the partner, but rather held in place as the partner slowly pushes back onto them.
  • Finally, use sexual exploration as a form of intimate communion with your partner. What matters most is that you both commit to conscious loving in an adventurous spirit that leads to intimacy that is more genuine.

If, after all this, he still doesn’t get it, call me, I’ll show you how to do it the right way! Lol

“Face down, Ass up!/ That’s the way/ We like to fuck!”

This is your [un]Common Sense Sex Therapist signing off until next week. Remember, if you have any questions, please feel free to email them to me and I’ll try my best to answer them.


Dr. Eddie

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Latino/as in the USA, pt. III

¡Hola! Everybody...
I’ve been getting lazy with my blogs. Sometimes my blog projects are too big. Here’s one of the Latino/a posts I promised. Pay attention because you might have to learn Spanish soon. LOL!

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-=[ Between Black and White, pt. 1 ]=-

I know a beautiful truth... I know I'm black, and I'm white/ and I'm red/ The blood of mankind flows in me
-- Ray Barretto, Together

When I lived down south, people would often express confusion about who or what I was. I was light-skinned with blue-eyes, but I spoke English/ Spanish fluently and the bulk of the people I hung out with were African Americans. I looked like a white man, but danced like a black man, and cussed you out in Spanish. LOL!

I think the Latino/a experience can inform the way race is discussed in this country. And please be assured: racial discourse in the country is nothing short of pathological. What I hope to do with the next two posts is offer a little insight and in that way lend what I feel is alternative, much-needed point of view.

For today, however, I’m just going to try to a little overview on Latino/a demographics and some introductory comments...

Masked by the controversy of the 2000 national elections (Bush’s Junta) and the historic election of President Barack Obama in 2008, was another historical revolution taking place. If the twentieth century was the “American Century,” the new century certainly points to an emerging prominence of U.S. Latino/as. Projections show that this group will grow to 25 percent of the U.S. population by 2050 and those immigrants are becoming U.S. citizens at an unprecedented rate. There is a vibrant, socially oriented middle class with economic power that has created a cohesive national Latino/a lobby considered a political force. Latino/as were the deciding factor in many critical races, including the 2000, 2004, and 2008 presidential elections. As I have mentioned previously (only half-jokingly), it is said that in 2000, Mexicans gave the presidency to Gore in California and that the Cubans took it away from him in Florida. Indeed, without the Latino/a vote, it is very unlikely that Obama would have won in 2008.

I should correct myself, we are not becoming, or arriving, Latino/as are a major political, economic, and cultural force in the United States. However, the paradox remains: it seems that Latino/as in the United States do not feel included, accepted, and most importantly, treated with respect no matter how hard they work and attempt to participate in the American way of life.

The existence of this paradox is one of the man y reasons why I am writing this series on Latino/as. I have written this with Latino/as in mind but also for those who possess a genuine interest in the history of Latino/a political thought and possible directions that it may take in the future. Finally, I offer this because most Latino/a youth are not taught their own history, and, if they are, this history is often biased and one-dimensional. Latino/a youth, in particular, need to have a political and historical sense of place, to be able to make sense of and become active in their social and political-economic realities. In short, my objective is to begin to raise the level of discourse of, by, and for Latino/as in the United States.

Throughout this series, I will be sharing links and sources for those uninterested in going a little deeper. There is no way for me to address the enormity of the Latino/a condition in several relatively short blog posts. Because of this limitation, I will confine the bulk of my discussion to U.S. Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans. If I ever decide to return to my graduate studies for my doctorate, maybe I’ll consider a major foray into Latino/a political thought and philosophy, but not today. LOL Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans were first subjected to the U.S. government through treaties and acts that not only signaled the end of military conquest or invasion, but also served as a real and symbolic entrance into American life for those involuntary and cultural U.S. citizens.

A demographic snapshot of these three groups shows that (20.5 million) Mexicans make up two thirds of Latino/as in the United States (32 million) and their population is increasing faster than that of any other group, including other Latino/as. There 6.6 million Puerto Ricans (11 percent of all Latino/as); 2.8 million are in the mainland US and 3.8 are on the island. There are approximately 1.5 million Cubans living in the United States (5% of all Latino/as). South Americans make up 13 percent of all Latino/as and there are 7 percent who fall under the "Other" category in the U.S. Census.

A close up of this snapshot reveals that almost one third of all Latino/as living in the following six counties or metropolitan areas: Los Angeles County, California (4.1 million); Miami-Dade, Florida (1.2 million); Cook County, Illinois (930,000); Harris County, Texas (908,053); Orange County, California (801,797); and New York City (two million). the political revolution is taking place because these human bodies are becoming active participants in the political process. furthermore, because of the age distribution of this population, there will be an increase in their portion of the electorate regardless of what happens to immigration. More to the point, voter registration among Latino/as increased by 164 percent in 1976-96 (compared to 31 percent for non-Latino/as). Voter turnout increased by 135 percent (compared to 21 percent for non-Latino/as).

To be sure, my focus will probably stop at the intersection of race. Diversity among Latino/as is not limited to national origin. As one scholar pointed out, Latino/as are the only group that proclaims its mestizaje (its mixture of races). A Latino/a can be of any race or ethnic group. In many ways, Latin America and the Caribbean have realized the American dream of a melting pot. There is, of course, the lingering issue of pigmentocracy (a hierarchy based on the color of skin), a form of latent, unspoken racism. However, Latino/as construct and converse about race in ways that is essentially different from the way it’s treated in the United States. It is here -- at the intersection of race, class, and ethnicity -- where I will begin my next post.

In the meantime? You had better start learning how to Spicky da Spanish, muthafuckas! LOL

Hay Cariño,


Monday, October 26, 2009

Fear and Loathing as Policy [Immigration Myths]

¡Hola! Everybody...
Starting tomorrow, I will be posting on Latino/as in America, “Eddie-Style.” If you’re interested in a look at Latino/as from an “engaged Latino scholar’s” perspective, then, by all means, stop by... I am posting the following as a public service. (Fuck you Lou Dobbs)

I will be in court most of the afternoon trying to save a kid from needlessly going to prison. Wish me luck...

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-=[ Immigration Myths ]=-

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

-- John Adams (1735–1826)

“Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials,” December, 1770

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Common misperceptions regarding immigration and its effects on American society often result in suspicion, discrimination, racism, and violence. Fear leads to hate. If you feared no one, you would hate no one. The only antidote is knowledge, the only sin, ignorance...

Immigrants don’t pay taxes

All immigrants pay taxes, whether income, property, sales, or other. As far as income tax payments go, sources vary in their accounts, but a range of studies find that immigrants pay between $90 and $140 billion a year in federal, state, and local taxes. Even undocumented immigrants pay income taxes, as evidenced by the Social Security Administration’s “suspense file” (taxes that cannot be matched to workers’ names and social security numbers), which grew $20 billion between 1990 and 1998.

Sources: National Academy of Sciences, Cato, Institute, Urban Institute, Social Security Administration

Immigrants come here to take welfare

Immigrants come to work and reunite with family members. Immigrant labor force participation is consistently higher than native-born, and immigrant workers make up a larger share of the U.S. labor force (12.4%) than they do the U.S. population (11.5%). Moreover, the ratio between immigrant use of public benefits and the amount of taxes they pay is consistently favorable to the U.S., unless the “study” was undertaken by an anti-immigrant group. In one estimate, immigrants earn about $240 billion a year, pay about $90 billion a year in taxes, and use about $5 billion in public benefits. In another cut of the data, immigrant tax payments total $20 to $30 billion more than the amount of government services they use.

Sources: American Immigration Lawyers Association, Urban Institute

Immigrants send all their money back to their home countries

In addition to the consumer spending of immigrant households, immigrants and their businesses contribute $162 billion in tax revenue to U.S. federal, state, and local governments. While it is true that immigrants remit billions of dollars a year to their home countries, this is one of the most targeted and effective forms of direct foreign investment.

Sources: Cato Institute, Inter-American Development Bank

Immigrants take jobs and opportunity away from Americans

The largest wave of immigration to the U.S. since the early 1900s coincided with our lowest national unemployment rate and fastest economic growth. Immigrant entrepreneurs create jobs for U.S. and foreign workers, and foreign-born students allow many U.S. graduate programs to keep their doors open. While there has been no comprehensive study done of immigrant-owned businesses, we have countless examples: in Silicon Valley, companies begun by Chinese and Indian immigrants generated more than $19.5 billion in sales and nearly 73,000 jobs in 2000.

Source: Brookings Institution

Immigrants are a drain on the U.S. economy

During the 1990s, half of all new workers were foreign-born, filling gaps left by native-born workers in both the high- and low-skill ends of the spectrum. Immigrants fill jobs in key sectors, start their own businesses, and contribute to a thriving economy. The net benefit of immigration to the U.S. is nearly $10 billion annually. As Alan Greenspan points out, 70% of immigrants arrive in prime working age. That means we haven’t spent a penny on their education, yet they are transplanted into our workforce and will contribute $500 billion toward our social security system over the next 20 years.

Sources: National Academy of Sciences, Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University, Federal Reserve

Immigrants don’t want to learn English or become Americans

Within ten years of arrival, more than 75% of immigrants speak English well; moreover, demand for English classes at the adult level far exceeds supply. Greater than 33% of immigrants are naturalized citizens; given increased immigration in the 1990s, this figure will rise as more legal permanent residents become eligible for naturalization in the coming years. The number of immigrants naturalizing spiked sharply after two events: enactment of immigration and welfare reform laws in 1996, and the terrorist attacks in 2001.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services)

Today’s immigrants are different than those of 100 years ago

The percentage of the U.S. population that is foreign-born now stands at 11.5%; in the early 20th century it was approximately 15%. Similar to accusations about today’s immigrants, those of 100 years ago initially often settled in mono-ethnic neighborhoods, spoke their native languages, and built up newspapers and businesses that catered to their fellow émigrés. They also experienced the same types of discrimination that today’s immigrants face, and integrated within American culture at a similar rate. If we view history objectively, we remember that every new wave of immigrants has been met with suspicion and doubt and yet, ultimately, every past wave of immigrants has been vindicated and saluted.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Most immigrants cross the border illegally

Around 75% have legal permanent (immigrant) visas; of the 25% that are undocumented, 40% overstayed temporary (nonimmigrant) visas.

Source: INS Statistical Yearbook

Weak U.S. border enforcement has lead to high undocumented immigration

From 1986 to 1998, the Border Patrol’s budget increased six fold and the number of agents stationed on our southwest border doubled to 8,500. The Border Patrol also toughened its enforcement strategy, heavily fortifying typical urban entry points and pushing migrants into dangerous desert areas, in hopes of deterring crossings. Instead, the undocumented immigrant population doubled in that time frame, to 8 million -- despite the legalization of nearly 3 million immigrants after the enactment of the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986. Insufficient legal avenues for immigrants to enter the U.S., compared with the number of jobs available to them, have created this current conundrum.

Source: Cato Institute

The war on terrorism can be won through immigration restrictions

No security expert since September 11, 2001 has said that restrictive immigration measures would have prevented the terrorist attacks -- instead, they key is good use of good intelligence. Most of the 9/11 hijackers were here on legal visas. Since 9/11, the myriad of measures targeting immigrants in the name of national security have netted no terrorism prosecutions. In fact, several of these measures could have the opposite effect and actually make us less safe, as targeted communities of immigrants are afraid to come forward with information.

Sources: Newspaper articles, various security experts, and think tanks

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The above was prepared by the National Immigration Forum, June 2003

For a more thorough contextual look click here

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Sermon [Moral Inventory]

¡Hola! Everybody...
Today… Three for the price of one…

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“If God lived on Earth, people would break his windows.”

-- Yiddish saying

If Jesus were on the internet, someone would be blasting about him being a socialist, or some other inane bullshit. Honestly, people, anyone who finds internet drama entertaining doesn’t have a life.


That’s one…

* * *

I detest chain emails because people who send them are often seeking to exonerate themselves from action. Instead of clicking a fuckin’ mouse in order to feel good, why don’t you try the following instead: the next time someone does a good deed for you, do ten good deeds. Do as in act, not click.

That’s two…

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-=[ Recapitulation ]=-

The secret of a warrior is that he believes without believing… to just believe would just exonerate him from examining his situation. A warrior, whenever he has to involve himself with believing, does it as a choice.

-- Don Juan Matus (Carlos Castaneda)

I’m almost afraid to post this one, but I think some people will benefit. Others might use it to torture themselves, caveat emptor (“buyer beware”).

Carlos Castaneda’s Yaqui teacher Don Juan illustrated an exercise that he called recapitulation. I’d read about it a long time ago, and had forgotten it. However, as part of my own inner work, I do a similar exercise at the end of my day.

At the end of your day, place your chin on your right shoulder. Very slowly swing it until it’s resting on your left shoulder. As you do this, review the significant events of the day in chronological order. Don’t do this as a way to relive blame or justify your actions of the day.

If you do this with an open mind and heart, resisting the impulse to judge, you will uncover habitual patterns, perhaps even see future developments, and confront your rigid belief systems (i.e., I’m always right, I am worthless). This exercise is meant as a conscious effort to transcend your defense mechanisms and perhaps obtain a glimpse of your genuine or Higher self.

I would add that when you find you have acted wrongly or unwisely just admit it; don’t waste time defending it, or compounding it, simply admit it.

Alternatively, you can ignore all this until you grow old and realize it’s all been an elaborate sham -- this internet and real-life persona you mindlessly create and defend.

Either way, you’re gonna haveta confront this ma’fucca sooner or later.

That’s three...



Saturday, October 24, 2009

"I Have Climbed... "

¡Hola! Everybody...
I have to work at my “other job” today... Hope you all are enjoying the weekend and -- GO YANKEES!

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Nows [no. 25]

I have climbed from a thousand beds
or more,
and bowed smugly to
my undeserved applause.

A hundred hearty maidens
have swallowed me,
or more,
and have found me too in charge
to surrender intimacy.

But if you need evidence ever,
you have already earned it.

Some time ago,
in the early ooze of our past,
you took possession
of my trust
and heard, as I heard,
my scream of protest that was
the final flag of surrender.

-- E-YR ©

Friday, October 23, 2009

The TGIF Sex Blog [Anal Play]

¡Hola! Everybody...
Didn’t have time to write anything new, but I thought you all would appreciate the following...

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-=[ Semen Retention ]=-

Okay! Before I go into the meat of today’s post, I would like to mention an interesting observation. In ancient China, emperors often called on sages, mostly Taoist sages, for sexual advice. However, before accepting any advice, the sage had to go through a test. The emperor required any prospective master to prove his sexual control. He did this by offering the would-be advisor a full glass of wine and demanding the sage insert his penis into it. If he was truly a master, the story goes, he could absorb the wine into his penis and then release it back into the wine glass. This was taken as absolute proof that the sage could absorb a woman’s yin essence and therefore know the secret to immortality.

Don’t laugh: the practice of absorbing fluid into the penis is quite real, and can still be seen on the streets of India today. One yogi in Bombay actually sucks up oil into his penis in private and then publicly lights it on fire as he urinates it out! He claims it as divine fire. Imagine that girls! LMAOOO! I’m in the process of learning this technique, so I might just light your ass on fire if you request it…


This yogic suction technique is one that many people confuse with the true practice of semen retention. I will write more about this as I learn more experientially. Eventually, imma need a partner. ::wink::

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-=[ Anal Play ]=-

A woman's behind: an altar to be worshiped on one's knees...

Before reading on, please take a look at the following short skit. It’s from a show I truly enjoy, “Lucky Louie,” on HBO:

LMAOOO! Too funny! I love it!

Men are extremely leery of anything going near their anus because stereotypes dictate that any man that admits to liking his anus stimulated is a “faggot.” The fact is that a sexual act does not make a sexual orientation. In fact, one study I read stated that not all gay couples engage in anal sex. In any case, enjoying a certain sex act does not make you gay. That’s just ignorant, close-minded thinking. Actually, it’s homophobia and homophobia has been shown to be a form of homoerotic wish fulfillment. That’s right, homophobic men (as measured by psychological scales) were the ones who were most turned on by gay porn! LOL!

In any case, as in most things sexual, likes and dislikes are culturally conditioned. If you were raised in a society were “real mean” took it up the ass, you would be taking it up the ass and bragging about it, so stop your bullshit now. You doubt me? Well, apply some logic to this issue. If you’re inflexible in this cultural context, then you would most likely be inflexible in another cultural context.


There’s a biological premise for pleasurable anal play. There are two pleasurable spots in and around a man’s anus. The first location is the anus itself: is very sensitive and is surrounded by a large number of nerve bundles. The second is the prostate gland, located a few inches inside the anus towards the belly button, and often feels like a firm bulge.

As I mentioned earlier, some men are not very open to experimentation around this area, as enjoying it may make them question their sexuality. As stupid as this may sound, it is a result of the prejudice and lack of understanding in today’s society. In any case, make sure to communicate with your partner to avoid bad reactions. If your partner refuses, don’t force him (LOL!), but try to open him up to the idea by exploring the area gently with your hands. He’ll slowly get used to being touched around there, and it won’t seem as big of a deal. And remember, by stimulating the prostate gland as he gets close to climaxing, you can give him a tremendously intense orgasm.

As with all anal play, cleanliness is essential. A bath or a shower is a great way to start things off, setting the tone for the festivities. If your man is an anal virgin, you can celebrate his deflowering by making it a “special” occasion. Once your finger(s) or sex toy has been inside his anus, don't put them anywhere else until you wash them. Carelessness in this regard can cause a very serious infection. Make sure to have a good lubricant, and start as slowly as possible the first few times. Lubrication is extremely important and you can never use too much.

Be sure to clip your fingernails quite short before doing any type of penetration, especially anal. The lining of the rectum is thin and can be easily torn by sharp objects.

Once you get him lubricated, you want to start by taking it really easy. Most people who have never had any anal play will tense their sphincter muscles. If they are tensing, do not try to push through, as it will cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Instead, make little circles around his anus and wait for him to relax. Once he starts relaxing, gently try moving your finger in and out a little. Start shallow and slowly move deeper, just make sure to watch his reactions and facial expressions to see if you are going too fast. Once you get inside, you can do a variety of things, including: twisting your hand, pulling in and out, moving in large circles following the wall of the cavity, or stimulate specific spots with little circles. The most effective use of anal play is definitely right at orgasm. If you have a finger inside stimulating his prostate when he reaches an orgasm, you will send him to another world of pleasure, one that he will most likely be asking you to help him revisit.

Analingus, licking the anal area, is another form of anal play. Perhaps this would be a better introduction into playing with your man’s anus. Before engaging in analingus, make sure to thoroughly wash the area. Once clean, licking this area of the body is virtually no different then licking any other, and can be very stimulating for your partner. Like other play in this area, don’t just jump right in, build up to it and allow for your partner to get comfortable. A great way to start performing analingus is to move into it when you are performing fellatio. This area is very sensitive, so run your tongue around in circular motions, use your tongue to tickle, and when you are both ready for it, even to penetrate.

Access to his anus is a little tougher than to his penis, but there are several positions that are ideal; lying on his back with a large pillow to arch his bum up, him bent over with legs spread, him standing with you kneeling, and him upside down with his legs spread.

Finally, there’s anal intercourse. Now, anal sex is quite a different ball of wax than using your finger. Oh boy! Man gotta really trust you for this one. Imagine if you separate and you blast that he let you ream his asshole?!! LOL! Seriously, even if he enjoys and requests you to pleasure him there, he may be apprehensive about putting something so large as a dildo in there. The keys to success are copious amounts of lubrication, relaxation on his part, and a slow, gentle approach.

Let him tell you when he wants it harder or faster and don't be shy about playing with his penis at the same time.

There are women who enjoy anal play and some use butt plugs. A butt plug is a toy that is inserted in the rectum. Once inserted, you can leave it where it is or move it in and out. Many people enjoy the sense of fullness that butt plugs bring, much in the same way women enjoy the fullness experienced during vaginal sex. Others enjoy the sensation of inserting something in their anus.

Butt plugs come in many different shapes and sizes. Some of the sizes seem silly, but some people are obsessed with larger toys, so the companies willingly accommodate. The most popular plugs are less than an inch in diameter, and roughly 4 inches long. Beads are some of the most popular anal toys. They range from soft to firm-textured, usually consist of four to ten balls connected with a piece of nylon cord or plastic/rubber, and there are a wide selection in ball sizes. Whichever type you are interested in, they are virtually the best toys to ease into anal play.

Climax beads are a very simple toy to use. After being covered by lubricant, they are inserted into the anus bead by bead. Most people then leave the beads where they are until near the point of orgasm, at which point the beads are pulled out one by one. This can greatly intensify an orgasm to the point that it is almost too intense to handle. We at the [un]common sense sex Blog editorial Board suggest starting with smaller balls, and then moving up, as you get more experienced.

Again, like everything else involved with anal play, cleanliness is of the highest importance. Make sure to clean your toy thoroughly after using it, store it in a dry dust free place, and be very gentle when starting out.

So there you go! Now go out there girls and fuck your men good and hard!




PS: SEX -- all sex -- is good for you!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Latino/as in The USA, pt. II

¡Hola! Everybody...
I usually don't cut-and-paste, but this Latina is such a valuable resource when it comes to Latino/a cultural identity that I thought it was worthwhile. I got it from the official website of the PBS drama, American Family, the only dramatic series totally created and controlled by Latino/as. The writing was by Latino/as, as was the direction -- everything.

Get this: none of the major networks (not even HBO and Showtime) wanted to air this! Check out their website.

I will be offering a series of blogs elaborating on some of the issues raised by Doña Rodriguez... I will be gone all day. Today, as usual, is my longest day of the week.

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-=[ What It Means to be Latino ]=-

by Dr. Clara E. Rodríguez

To be a Latino means that in the 2000 U.S. census, you were counted as one of 35.3 million people, of any race, classified as “Hispanic,” and that you were part of a group that comprised 12.5% of the total U.S. population. It means you are part of a group that now equals, or has surpassed, African Americans in number. It also means that you are part of a group that is growing faster than all other groups (50% since 1990) and is expected to continue to grow rapidly because of high immigration, high fertility rates, and the youthfulness of the current population. Only Asian Americans, who represented 3.6% of the U.S. population in 2000, had greater rates of growth. Finally, it means that you are a member of a very diverse group, in terms of socioeconomic positions, religions, racial classifications, and national origins.

If we look at the Hispanic/Latino population pie in 2000, we see that Mexicans comprised the majority of all Latinos (58.5% or 20.6 million). Puerto Ricans were the second largest Latino group, constituting 9.6% of all Latinos or 3.4 million. However, if we include the 3.8 million Puerto Ricans who resided in Puerto Rico, then this figure more than doubles. Cubans were the next largest single national origin group and constitute 3.5% of the total Latino population, followed by Dominicans with 2.2%. Collectively, the Central American countries accounted for 4.8% of the total Latino pie, with Salvadorans (1.9%) and Guatemalans (1.1%) being the two largest groups among Central Americans. South Americans comprised another 3.8% of the total U.S. Latino population with Colombians (1.3%) the largest group here. All of the other countries in Central and South America constituted less than 1% each of the total Hispanic population. Interestingly, in view of the extensive diversity of national origins, there was a surprising 17.3% that reported they were Hispanic or Latino but did not indicate a national origin. Analyses have yet to be done on this group, but it may be that this fast-growing group represents either those who have parents from more than one country, or, those who consider themselves “Hispanic/Latino,” but do not identify with a particular country.

Although historically there are important regional concentrations of each of these groups, e.g., Cubans in Florida, Puerto Ricans in the Northeast, and Mexicans in California and the Southwest, there is increasing Latino heterogeneity in all of these areas. All states now have Latino populations, many of which are increasing rapidly, and almost all cities are experiencing substantial changes in their Latino mix. For example, Miami now has an increasingly diverse Latin American population, with Colombians, Puerto Ricans, and diverse Central and South Americans increasing their presence. New York City now has substantial and growing Dominican, Colombian, Ecuadorian and Mexican populations. The same is true of Los Angeles and other large cities and many suburban areas.

Being Latino also means that you lay claim to one (or more) of the rich and unique histories that each of these groups brings to the United States. Likewise, each of these groups has had a unique narrative in the United States, involving different times of arrival, areas of settlement, and types of migration and reception experiences. Like so many other groups coming to the United States, some groups came mainly as political refugees, or, political exiles without the benefit of refugee status. Others came as free or contracted laborers, and still others simply as immigrants looking to improve the opportunities in their lives. Unlike most other groups, Latinos have come from this hemisphere. Therefore, they have been consistently impacted by U.S. hemispheric policy and they have had more “va y ven” (coming and going) between their countries and the United States. This has contributed to the sustenance of the Spanish language and multiculturalism within Latino communities while adding new infusions of Latinos to the United States.

Since Latinos have been part of the U.S. landscape for centuries, the nature of the migrations has also varied over time. For example, political immigrants or exiles were more characteristic of the migration from Puerto Rico in the late 19th century, while those who came in search of work characterized the exodus in the mid 20th century. There were also varying methods of migration, where some groups arrived mainly by boat, others by plane, and still others over land in cars, trains, or buses. Some have arrived legally as immigrants, others were undocumented. Some became naturalized citizens, others became citizens because they were born in the United States and still others arrived as citizens or became citizens because their lands had become subject to United States rule. Different groups have also had different receptions in the U.S. at different times.

Being Latino means a connection to the Spanish language, although, in Latin America there are also a multiplicity of other languages spoken by various groups, e.g., the indigenous peoples. Each Latino group coming to the U.S. spoke Spanish, but each country has its particular way of speaking Spanish. Spanish speakers throughout Latin America and the Caribbean understand one another. However, the way the language is spoken varies according to class, regional, ethnic and racial differences within each country. If we think about how English is spoken in Australia, Britain, Brooklyn, New York, as well as the southern, eastern, and midwestern parts of the United States, we have some idea of how the same language can vary with regard to accent, intonation patterns, and vocabulary. Curiously, however, you can be called a Latino, or classified a Hispanic, and yet not speak Spanish very well or at all.

Finally, being Latino means you are a part of one or more groups that have their own unique cuisine, music, and cultural and artistic traditions. For example, spicy, hot food is common in some diets and relatively absent in others. But there are also some commonalties. For example, in the same way that meat and potatoes can be considered a staple of the U.S. American diet -though not everyone eats this – rice and beans are a staple throughout much of Latin America. Pink beans are preferred in some countries, black beans in others, and pinto beans in still yet others and so on. Most members of each group are proud of their own uniqueness and history – both in this country and in their country of origin. However, as Celia Cruz, the great Cuban Salsa singer, has said, “we are all brothers in a different country” and the level of bonding and common identification often goes beyond speaking Spanish.

On Terminology: Hispanic or Latino?

The term “Hispanic” is often used interchangeably with the term “Latino.” The term “Hispanic” was introduced into the English language and into the 1970 census by government officials who were searching for a generic term that would include all who came from, or who had parents who came from, Spanish-speaking countries. It is, therefore, an English-language term that is not generally used in Spanish-speaking countries. The term “Latino,” on the other hand, is a Spanish-language term that has increased in usage since the introduction of the term Hispanic. Some Latinos/Hispanics feel strongly about which term they prefer. Some reject both terms, and insist they should be known by their national origin; still others use all terms and vary their usage depending on context.

Those who prefer “Latino” argue that the term preserves the flavor of national origin and the political relationship between the U.S. and Latin America. Also, they say that it is more culturally neutral and racially inclusive of all groups in Latin America. For example, those of indigenous, African, European and mixed origins are assumed to be Latinos, as are Brazilians, whose main language is Portuguese. In addition, they argue that it is less associated with Eurocentric Hispanistas, who were largely conservative wealthy landowning groups; and lastly, they maintain that it is the term most used in numerous editorials that are written in both Spanish and English.

Those who prefer the term “Hispanic” maintain that it should be used because the data on this population is gathered using this term, and the data should not be re-labeled. It is seen to be preferable for scientific publications because it is seen to be more rigorous and consistent with the data. It is argued that Hispanic is a more universal term because this is the term used by most agencies and other data gathers, while Latino is a regional term more often used in areas where there are large numbers of native Spanish-speakers. In essence, the argument is that this is the term that most people - particularly those living far from Spanish-speaking populations will use. The term includes those from Spain, although it does not cover those from Brazil. It is also argued that the term “Latino” might be legally problematic, for others of “Latin” descent whose families have never lived in Latin America, e.g., the French, Italians, and others might conceivably argue that they are “Latinos” and therefore should be considered minorities.

Dr. Clara E. Rodríguez is a Professor at Fordham University, Lincoln Center campus. Her last two books are Changing Race: Latinos, the Census and the History of Ethnicity in the United States, New York University Press, 2000, and Latin Looks: Latina and Latino Images in the U.S. Media, Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1997.



Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Latino/as in America, pt. I

¡Hola! Everybody...
If you haven’t caught the PBS special, Latin Music USA, then you’re missing a real treat. I’m not always too happy about the way Latino/as are portrayed and/ or studied, but this offering is one helluva treat. It’s well done, authentic, and the people responsible for bringing this together obviously did their homework. What we have here is a look into the very essence of Latino/a culture as told by the people themselves. In fact, Latin Music USA isn’t just about Latin Music, it is the story of America -- of all the Americas.

I was asked to briefly describe “Latin music,” and here’s my totally ad-libbed response:

Latin music is more than a musical genre, it is an urban folklore, a way of life; the receptacle of all that is Latino/a. It is Latinidad itself, the sway of a Latina's hips as she revels in rhythms older than time itself. It is el grito del pueblo set to a clave beat, a fatback backbeat, a dembo pulse. Latin music is at once all things and one thing. It is the exuberance of a joyful of people expressed through the poetry of feet, hands, and heart.

It’s Latino/a Month and I’ll be writing on things Latino/a for most of the rest of what’s left of this month...

* * *

-=[ Latinidad ]=-

I am not African. Africa is in me, but I cannot return.
I am not Taína. Taíno is in me, but there is no way back.
I am not European. Europe lives in me, but I have no home there.

I am new. History made me. My first language was Spanglish.
I was born at the crossroads. History made me.
-- Aurora Levins Morales, Child of the Americas

I’ve been lax this month, ignoring my Latinidad. So today, I have to start from somewhere and I wonder if I can even do it. I mean, to explore the essence of all that is Latino/a -- Latinidad -- is like trying to explore the ocean.

So, I’ll start here, in the good ole U.S. of A. A little about me: I was born in New York City of Puerto Rican parents and so my experience of Latinidad is filtered through those complications. I am light-skinned with blue-eyes, but I am not white. I was born in America, but I identify as a Nuyorican, or as the Nuyorican poet, Tato Laviera, likes to say, an Ame-Rican. I am an old-school Puerto Rican whose beach haunts were Brighton and Orchard, the tar-papered roof tops of Manhattan, and not Luquillo, nor the world-famous surf of Rincon. I don’t speak Spanish... only. I speak it fluently, it rolls off my tongue in quick, New York-paced staccato bursts, and sometimes I season it with English, or a hybrid language all its own: Spanglish. My culture is profoundly African, the ancient Orishas surely looking over my tormented soul, but I am not black. Nor am I Indian, though my spiritual birthplace is Borinquen, the land of the brave and peaceful Taino warriors. I may not have been born in Puerto Rico, but surely, Puerto Rico was born in me. I am none of these things and all of them...

See? I told you it was complicated. But, actually, I’m not. I am, to paraphrase the lovely Aurora, a Stepchild of the Americas.

I hope to give you a glimpse into me and in that way offer you a glimpse of things Latino/a, for, as you might already sense, Latino/as will eventually take over. Don’t worry, we come in all colors, the blood of humankind flows through us. We come in all political orientations too! It is said that the Chicanos in California gave Gore the 2000 presidential election and the Miami Cubans took it away. To be sure, without Latino/as, Obama’s historic campaign would have fallen short.

We have arrived, some pundits say, but I have news for you: we were always here, long before the Daughter of the American Revolution lost her cherry, long before even the first slave ships infiltrated the Caribbean. And I’m sorry Lou Dobbs, but “Spanish is Spoken Here” happened long before your hungry ancestors even thought of immigrating.

There is much to cover here, for while we have indeed arrived, and continue to do so, we are also being targeted as scapegoats for every conceivable social ill. We are at once desired and despised, but I’m here to set the record straight... stay tuned.



Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Mythbusters [Salt and Hypertension]

¡Hola! Everybody...
As a New Yorker, the best thing I can say today (sports-wise) is that the at least the Yankees don’t suck... LOL

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-=[ Bacalao con Viandas ]=-

The other day, I had the pleasure of ordering one of my favorite dishes: bacalao con vianda. Viandas are vegetables: yautias (taro root) malanga (root vegetable with brown skin and white or purple flesh), papas (potatoes), plátanos (plantain bananas), yucas (cassava), ñames (root vegetable with brown skin and white flesh), batatas (sweet potatoes). These are mixed with onions sliced into rings, Olive oil, sliced hard-boiled eggs, aguacates (avocados), and sliced tomatoes. I love this dish! My dear departed grandmother ate a plate of this everyday of her life and she lasted until her mid 90s -- a vibrant, ass-kicking old lady. LOL .It’s a very West African-influenced dish.

Anyway, I love smothering the vianda with olive oil and sal5t -- lots of salt! As I covered the various toot vegetables with salt, my friends immedat5ely pounced, admonishing me for using so much salt and reminding me that high blood pressure (hypertension) runs in Latino/a culture.

I didn’t want to argue, but the connection between salt and hypertension is overblown, to say the least... plus, if I want to use salt, muthafuckas, I’ll use salt! LOL

This claim remains controversial in the medical community. Well, at least according to my research. The more researchers delve into this issue, the more difficult it becomes to justify. In fact, a 1988 editorial in the British Medical Journal, after reviewing a slew of studies, concluded that, “the evidence that salt is [an] important [contributor to high blood pressure] is weak... [and] the more complex the analysis the weaker the relation.”

The body of literature regarding this issue is so vast, that no one could successfully synthesize all the findings. What happens usually is that one camp will select studies that favor their position. However, more recent studies show that there never really was a connection between salt and hypertension. And when you look at the studies, you begin to get a picture of why. The way it was explained to me is that the subject has been studied in three basic ways. The first searches for a connection between salt consumption and hypertension within a given society. Such research has been fruitless. In one of the largest such studies, which tested 7,000 residents of Scotland, it turned out that weight and age were much moiré reliable predictors of hypertension than salt consumption was. “The true association between sodium and blood pressure is extremely weak,” the researchers surmised.

The second approach is to look at many different countries to see whether the places where hypertension is common are also places where people consume a lot of salt. The results from one huge study of more than 10,000 subjects at fifty-two testing centers around the world did find an association between sodium in the urine and systolic blood pressure. However, upon close examination, the link turned out to be far less impressive. Once adjustments were made for the subjects’ age, weight, and alcohol consumption, the relation was statistically significant in only eight of the fifty-two centers. And when the results from four nonindustrialized societies (where salt consumption was extremely low) were set aside, the relation vanished.

Of course, even if high salt consumption and high blood pressure did go hand in hand, that wouldn’t prove that one causes the other. Something else could be at work -- a third factor that might be associated with certain eating habits and hypertension. That would explain the paradox of Japan, where salt usage is high, but blood pressure is not.

In the last type of study, researchers ask people to eat less salt and then watch to see what happens to their blood pressure. One review of twelve such studies found that sodium restriction was a useful strategy for older patients with hypertension. However, there wasn’t any reason to think that using less salt would lower the blood pressure of people who are hypertensive to begin with. In addition, such studies have nothing to say about whether salt caused the hypertension -- an idea that has become increasingly doubtful as the studies have become more sophisticated.

I always say that a little moderation in is always a worthwhile goal when it comes to diet. In the meantime, I will slather my bacalao con vianda with lots of salt and olive oil!



Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Sermon [Intellectual Etiquette]

¡Hola! Everybody...
The Second Commandment of Corporate Christianity (right after Thou shalt prostrate thyself only before Market Ideology and before Thou shalt not enjoy sex), is: It’s a sin to allow a fool to keep his money (so give it to the rich, they know better).

I usually post the following once or twice a year.

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-=[Intellectual Etiquette ]=-

Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse.

-- African proverb

I do not suffer fools easily. Fools like those who react rather than think. Fools such as the woman who came to my blog, read the term white racism and ran screaming that I was a bigot. I would venture that you could probably sharpen a thin pencil with her anal sphincter. Fools who react in anger rather than attempt to understand. Like the fool who comes here occasionally and mistakes insult for critical analysis...

Good riddance!

::cue in strains of the Twilight Zone theme song::

I’m very meticulous about my reading material. When I post here, I can guarantee you that I have taken the time not only to fully understand the material, but that I have constructed a logical argument. This is not mere personal opinion. Knowledge and opinion are not synonymous. In fact, the vast majority of opinion is worthless. If that sounds elitist, then, fuck it, call me an uppity spic -- I am an elitist if being an elitist means adhering to intellectual standards.

In any case, if you read me, you will note that there is a logical sequence to my writing. That, to me, is the greatest respect I can pay to you, the reader: that I have taken the time and effort to present a coherent and logical message.

In turn, I expect for my readers, if they’re going to engage me, to show me the same respect by attempting to understand what I have written. Some people have gotten their egos bruised because they have failed to attempt to understand before disagreeing with me. Some people apparently believe they can skim my posts and then engage me. People, I hate to break this to you, but there is no Santa Claus and you cannot agree with something you have failed to understand.

Yup, life sucks. And here? In my house? I’m going to hold you to... standards.

Honestly, I could give a flying fuck if you called me a muthafucka. You’re not that important in my life. You don’t blow me, engage in recipient anal sex with me, nor pay my rent. Therefore, if you think imma muthafucka, a bastard, or an asshole, it doesn’t rally matter that much to me.

::arches eyebrow::

If you have taken the time, however, to understand what I have written and demonstrate that understanding before you call me a muthafucka, we’re always gonna be cool.

Here is what I’m going to propose. It’s called intellectual etiquette and if more people observed it, the world would be a better place. For example, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in today.

First, respect (as I define it) means understanding the material in such a way that you could restate the post in as briefly a manner as possible. Secondly, you should be able to come to terms with the author by interpreting his key words or phrases. Know the author’s arguments preferably by constructing them out of sequences of their own sentences. Determine which of his problems he has solved and which he has not. Also, note which problems the author knew he failed to solve.

I have skimped on the first two stages of Intellectual Etiquette because the following is most important:

One more thing: debate isn’t always pretty, or even polite. Debate can be passionate, disrupting, anxiety-producing, contentious, and maddening. It’s supposed to be that way. If you doubt me, then pick up any number of books and read about the great historical debates. Believe me, they weren’t “pretty” and polite, with pinkies held erect while sipping tea.


The greatest debates were often contentious, mean, angry, but they all had that one thing in common -- at least the great debates did: they offered some measure of intellectual etiquette.

General Rules of Intellectual Etiquette

(Adapted from Adler Mortimer, How to Read a Book, pp. 164-165)

The following helps you answer the questions, Is it true? and What of it?

You cannot disagree with a point if you haven’t fully understood that point. In other words, you can’t say you agree, disagree, or suspend judgment, until you can say (and show), I understand.

Do not disagree disputatiously or contentiously. (Okay! Admittedly, I suck on this one. ::grin:: However, saying I think your point sucks, and demonstrating why, is different from saying you suck, ok?)

There is a difference between knowledge and mere personal opinion. Demonstrate that recognition by presenting good reasons for any critical remarks you make.

Special Standards for when Disagreeing (Being Critical)

  • Show where the writer/ poster is uninformed
  • Show where the writer/ poster is misinformed
  • Show where the writer/ poster is illogical
  • Show where the writer/ poster’s analysis or account is incomplete

If you fail at any of the last four, then you must agree, at least in part, although you may suspend judgment overall, in light of the last point.

Okay Muthafuckas! LMAO!

If you don’t use your critical faculty, you will lose it, or never fully cultivate it. Act the fool and I will call you on it.




[un]Common Sense