Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Your Horrible-Scope

Hola mi Gente,
For anyone interested, I will be part of a panel, Electoral Politics and Legislative Reform: What’s Possible, at the Beyond the Bars conference at 4:00 PM, this coming Saturday. The conference itself is always an amazing event. You should check it out (click here).

Today’s post is in recognition of all you ADHD ma’fuccas with challenged attention spans. LOL

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Your Horrible-scope

Create a new bedtime story for someone you love and imagine you have a guardian angel that looks like me. Teach your pet to dance. Recreate your life-story using hand or sock puppets and some five-year-old as your director. Make believe you’re an ancient Thunder King or Woman-Warrior Queen. Go to the mall and sing New York, New York at the top of your lungs while scratching your genitals. Be sure to watch Reality TV with your third eye. Drink holy water blessed by a really smart teen-aged girl. Always remember that you are The Chosen One (and so is everyone else).

My name is Eddie and I’m in recovery from civilization… 

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