Saturday, May 30, 2009

You are Insinuating Yourself...

¡Hola! Everybody...
My beloved Mets are winning, the sun is shining, and life is good. On Saturday’s this blog is dedicated to things artistic. This one’s mine...

I am headed out. Have a great day folks!

* * *

-=[ Nows: no. 3 ]=-

You are insinuating yourself
into my reluctant life
and goading me toward a grin.

But we have a deal going,
you and I...

If you will squeeze my hand
I will coat your body with oil.

When you sing in my ear
I will kiss your eyelids.

And if you will hear my tears
I will surround you with hugs
that ask no more than
to be allowed a brief dance
to the rhythmic pulse
of your joy.

-- Edward-Yemíl Rosario


  1. I like this..nice : ) Enjoy this glorious day!!

  2. LOL@ BabyMama: You just want my PIN number!



    Thanks for the compliment, sweetie. Flattery is all!



What say you?


[un]Common Sense