Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday Madness [The Caress]

¡Hola! Everybody...
I like having fun when it comes to sports. fuhn as in like talking major caca, or “talking smack,” as they say in the vernacular. I call it “giving a beat down.” LOL! I tease terribly and I do it in a way that’s insufferable.

It’s all in fun.

Also, I can take as good as I give. In fact, in the scope of things, I could hardly give a rat’s ass who wins; the fun is in the messin' around.

If you don’t like my way of having fun, you have several options: you can stop associating with me, which is fine -- really. Alternatively, you can send me a private note or take me to the side and express your unwillingness to engage me in such a way, or, alternatively, you can choose to engage me. What you cannot do is act like a fool and not expect me to rent space (free) in yo ignant lil head. Love me or leave me, I refuse to compassionately engage the various complexes stemming from your lack of proper upbringing, masculine insecurities, or the consequences of your abandonment issues, narcissistic parents, or any lingering traumatic issues you still carry from previous relationships. I am not the one.


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-=[ The Caress ]=-

The following was inspired by a real person...

She felt like everything good and wholesome. Like the first warm breeze of spring and the refreshing taste of lemonade on a summer’s eve, the crisp autumn air promising change and the first snowball fight when you’re a kid. Her body was soft and full of promise and her grip strong and her heart beat rapidly against my chest. I could smell her shampoo as I breathed in her essence -- felt her downy hair…

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