Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Left Nut

¡Hola! Everybody... True story: I had to travel downtown late in the afternoon yesterday, taking me by City Hall. And lo and behold, there were the Tea-baggin’ Cons! All 500 (mostly white men) of them! LOL

I got this look on my face and my friend, noting what she knows as my mischievous side, begged me not to misbehave, but I had to! So, I yelled out, “Long live socialism!” and Man! I thought they would eat me alive! Several people were screaming at me, when I made the observation that many of them rode in on socialized highways to protest taxes in a park paid for by taxes. That went over really well... “Commie!” Yelled an adorable little blonde-haired girl. LOL! I felt bad for her because you can’t be a socialist and a communist at the same time -- it’s ideologically impossible. But before I could teach her the difference, the cops asked me to keep it moving.

I’ve been protesting and practicing civil disobedience since before many of you were born, and people? This was one paltry protest. I mean, c’mon, Obama attracted more people at one rally last year than this campaign did nationally.

What I saw was yet more anger from a section of the population that has allowed itself to believe that the “other” is to blame for its misfortunes. Look over there! Terrists! No, over there! Messakins! Under the rug! socialists... pirates behind the curtains... The enemy, my friends, is Ignorance and a media machine controlled by a handful of conglomerates that happily manipulates that ignorance to the point where you to go out and protest for the interests of the very people who have co-opted your government. Finally, the current Texas governor just lent enormous support to my assertion that no one from Texas should be allowed to run for national office.

* * *

Everybody's fave homie, Jesus, getting ready to teabag a muthafucka

-=[ Tea Bags, My Left Nut & Why I Blog ]=-

“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.”

-- Susan B. Anthony (1820–1906) American woman suffragette Speech, Jan 1896

I am an incorrigible flirt. I will and do flirt with anyone: young and old, gay or straight – shit, if animals could understand, I would flirt with them too. For the most part, my flirtatious behavior is a thinly disguised form of self-deprecating humor. It’s an “inside” joke and you’re in on it. Just because I flirt in the manner I do doesn’t make me a “playa.”

I am intensely serious and passionate person and I take my work very seriously. During my workday, I’m serious, dedicated, on task. In my social life, I reserve the right to be the crazy muthafucka I choose to be and those that are uncomfortable with that persona can choose not to associate with me! For whatever reason, I seem to attract people (many unstable, LOL) and I genuinely love people. I love em all. I especially love the “unforgiven”: the socially unacceptable, the outsiders, the broken, the nymphos, psychos, the sad, and cheerful -- all of the ones that don’t somehow fit into preordained molds. I truly love people, which is a lot rarer than you think, folks. I am uncomfortable among those too concerned with keeping/ upholding social conventions. The very ones that claim sanity are usually the ones that are the true playas.

I blog mostly for myself.

I might be reading a book, studying an issue, or reflecting on life and I take notes. Most of what I write here is gleaned from those notes as well as (obviously) my life experiences. Sometimes it’s academic and boring; sometimes it’s erotic and fascinating. Shit, I would dare say that sometimes I could be downright inspirational and insightful. LOL! I don’t blog in order to garner page hits, nor do I compose my blog so that someone could read it in a certain amount of time. Fuck that! Stretch your fuckin’ brain, or move on!

I would blog even if no one read me because it’s part of my process, not yours. I write partly because I enjoy taking complex subjects and distilling them in terms that are more easily understandable because that helps further my understanding. What you see here is someone who dares to be transparent. When I open my heart, you can look and see me for who I am as no one else can. It is a torn and scarred heart, but no less beautiful because of it. Some people won’t see this part and choose to linger instead on my inability to suffer fools easily or my hostility towards those who would defend of deny injustice. And that’s OK because it’s part of who I am also. Just don’t come here trying to analyze my shit. Shit, I would bet my left (lower hanging) nut, that the vast majority of those who attempt to analyze others, need to turn that gaze inward.

I will meet you exactly where you’re at and you can walk with me as far as you care. There is no artifice here, this is who I am, not because I want to be popular, but because I strive to be as honest as I can be on a daily basis. Sometimes I pretty much successful and other days I fail miserably. But life isn’t a race to be won, it’s a journey.

Bottom line is that I am a genuinely happy person at a point in my life where it all seems to have come together. What I bring to the table is an invincible joy and a living example that life doesn’t suck -- life is fuckin’ good, even if at this moment you’re an ingrate who can’t appreciate that fact. Come in and enjoy or not, that is obviously your choice. Just don’t get it twisted.




What say you?


[un]Common Sense