Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Shame of a Nation

¡Hola! Everybody...
This morning, as I was waking up, making coffee, I was overhearing an interview with former education “Czar,” William Bennett. This was the guy who wrote several books on virtue (for children, no less) and was later found to be an inveterate gambler. Now, I’m not one to judge, but if I’m going to get on a bully pulpit, I’d better have my own shit together. Imagine setting myself up as an addiction "expert" and all the while doing drugs. My question is so: why are conservatives like Bennett still considered relevant? Why is he on TV giving “expert” testimony on Obama’s presidency? Why aren’t the media asking Bennett about his own indiscretions?

I want to thank the people who were nice enough to subscribe to my blog and respond: thanks Sabi, Saynt, Dana, Rippa, Will, Kenny and Ellen!

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-=[ A Savage Disgrace ]=-

Not too long ago, I attended a conference in which one of the panelists related a story that to me is more horrifying than any slasher movie. A child in kindergarten class was asked to draw a picture showing how he saw himself in the future. It’s an innocent enough exercise, one given in kindergarten classes across the nation. The child drew an elaborate diagram. In it he drew his school. From his school, he drew a tunnel that wound its way through a rather sophisticated landscape. That tunnel led to a prison.

Now, the teacher was horrified. She called in her superiors, who called the parents, and so on. When asked why he would draw such a picture, he responded in the typical honesty only children can muster. He said he drew it because it was true.

And he’s right...

After watching that blustering fool, William Bennett, CNN gave some lip service to a report on the US prison population. We incarcerate more people than any other nation in the world. We have 5% of the world’s population, but 25% of the world’s prison population. There are currently 2.3 million men and women behind bars in the USA right now. Add to that the 5 million on probation and parole and you have an epidemic.

The vast majority of those in prison are young people of color. You might say that this is so because people of color are more prone to crime, but you would be wrong. The Sentencing Project has shown that all other factors controlled a black youth is five times more likely to be sentenced to prison than his white peer -- even when the crime and criminal histories are the same.

You might say that, hey, prison is fucked up, but we need to lock up criminals in order to stem the tidal wave of crime. Again, you would be wrong. There is no correlation between incarceration and crime rates. In fact, New York City’s record crime drops occurred during a decade in which the prison population was decreasing.

You might say that the collateral damage done to these individuals is justified if it keeps dangerous criminals off the street and again, you would be wrong. The majority of those currently incarcerated are non-violent, first time offenders -- often low level drug dealers who are addicted. Our criminal justice system is full overburdened, that if everyone currently fighting a case would choose to go to trail, the system would implode. As a result, plea-bargaining -- giving up the right to a fair trial in exchange for a more lenient sentence is the norm rather than the exception.

In other words, the vast majority or people in prison didn’t even have the benefit of a fair trail.

Finally, you might not give a fuck because you think this doesn’t affect you, but, again -- you would be wrong. Where do you think our government gets the money to build and maintain these prisons...?

They get if from money that would’ve other wise gone to education, health care, and community revitalization projects that, in the long run, do more to prevent crime than anything else we could think of. The money comes from your child’s school, from your community, from your pockets. In other words, we have transformed ourselves from a nation that envisioned a Great Society, to a prison nation. Our responses to addiction, poverty, lack of access to opportunities all rolled into one: incarceration.

And for what? For an expensive way to destroy a life? Here in NYC, we would rather spend over $70, 000 a year to lock up a black youth, than to spend a fraction of that to send him to a decent school.

So, considering the above, how wrong was that child? We call it the school-to-prison pipeline. In the coming days, I’m going to tie all this together and putting to rest, once and for all, the notion that we live in a post-racial anything. It’s all connected, folks...




  1. Although there are many topics that we can expand/provide our POVs, the one that stuck in my mind/truly touched my heart is the scenario of the kindergarten child.

    Here we have a child of 5 yrs of age (no more than 6) who has NOT experienced much in life, but one wonders what has this child witnessed in his short existence to have such a dark path for himself?!!!

    I'm at a loss for words, and that is a rarity. Breaks my heart........

  2. @Will: One of the things I strongly agree with libertarians is their stance on the failed drug war. they got that one right. I think, and I'm almost afraid to say this, that if the conservative movement is going to right itself, it will do so from the libertarian stance. You guys have right on the drug war and the Mess in messopatamia

  3. @Sabby: I was working with a young kid the other day and we were talking about creating goals, thinking about the future, planning, and it was difficult because -- this is scary -- he said: I don't know that much about planning and goals because i never expected to last this long.

    this kid has seen more death in his short 21 years of life than most people see all their lives.

    we're destroying our nation, little by little...

  4. IMO, it all starts at home, Daedalus. A child is a "sponge" and absorbs what they are exposed to (their environment). On a rare occasion, there is the one who breaks the cycle and excels at whatever goals they set for themselves.

    I commend you for showing those souls that there is a better choice/life than what they could imagine for themselves.

  5. Not just this dude, there was a story the other day about all these retired generals that were employed by the Pentagon to help the case to war in Iraq.

    Cable news is really a shithole.

  6. "In other words, the vast majority or people in prison didn’t even have the benefit of a fair trail".

    You ain't NEVER lied...and I know plenty in there for that very reason.

  7. See...

    You want America to be say that...

    "Okay, we can't put them on the plantation anymore...but we CAN put them in prison"...

    But America isn't going to DO's going to stay in its hypocrical stance that has been SO NOT SUCCESSFUL in the history of this country...

  8. @Wizzy: yeah! thanks for stopping by, bro. You can't take ten steps in some communities without having to step over this issue. Over 8 million people, mostly ppl of color, are under the thumb of the criminal justice system.

    @Lala: I'm so glad you made it here, sweetie. I like the plantation analogy, it's so fitting.

  9. For me its personal...I’m 6 days from my 40th birthday...I’m a bit shocked that I’m alive. I saw how quickly my environment reminded me what my worth was to it...nothing.

    So by the time I was 16 I knew my days were numbered. I got mad and scared but in the end...

    Failure was not an option. I could not fail that fear drove me.
    Amazing I got many of my friends did not.

    To me its systemic ignorance...why care about Peter stealing to give to Paul...if you are Paul?


What say you?


[un]Common Sense