Monday, July 6, 2009

Visualizing the World

¡Hola! Everybody...
I haven’t been online much these days. Work and summer conspire to take me away from the cyber world. so if I’m not as responsive as s my usual, it’s not personal, I’m just here as much. And I make a mess of things responding via Blackberry.

I wrote the following several years ago. I know it sounds like a recent popular book and movie, but it is quite different...

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-=[ Visualizing Possibilities ]=-

I don’t think telling someone who’s feeling fucked up, or going through a difficult period to “get over it” helps. This is like coming upon someone who’s beating themselves up and joining in on the beat-up as a solution. People who are feeling fucked are already are beating up on themselves enough, thank you.

Yesterday’s post was about how. People will say shity like, develop a different attitude, or do this or that, but no one ever says how. If you read carefully, I am pointing to a how. There exists a possibility for you to not feel so fucked up. In fact, genuine happiness is a possibility for everyone. Yeah, even you. You’re not that unique, you know. You can be happy too!

Now, ain’t that fucked up?!

If you desire to be happy it’s not as hard as you think. In fact, all it takes is maybe 5-10 minutes a day of simple exercises and poof! All that misery is out. This is true, for less than the time it takes you to watch American Idol, you can be happy. It is that simple. Oh yeah, I am aware that a part of you would rather die than be happy because what the fuck would you do if you were truly happy, right? I mean, we’ve all invested a lot of time and energy into being miserable motherfuckers, that shit ain’t easy to do -- I am aware of this dynamic.

Believe me, there’s a way, it’s not hard, and it’s possible. You can create (actually, you already do!) the world you want. It’s just a matter of understanding how the mind works and replacing your current software with something better and your fears turn into self confidence, self-loathing becomes self-appreciation, and on and on.

People do this all the time, what makes you think you’re that different. Actually, those of us stuck in the shit want desperately to cling to this notion of what I call “terminal uniqueness.” It’s terminal because it kills. It kills as surely cancer kills. I’m serious as a heart attack (LOL! bad play on words, I know!).

There is a world right before your eyes you’re not even aware of and all you have to do is wake up to that possibility.

I’ll leave you with the following. I took a yoga class once as part of an elective in my undergraduate studies. The instructor was this zany “New Age” energy freak type -- at least that was my impression of her. Anyway, we connected somehow and one day while looking directly at me (or at least I thought), she took the class on a guided meditation. She started with the fact that she owned a home on the beach and that it was a beautiful home. She added that before she bought the home she envisioned the home in every detail.

She told us that we too can have what we want if we can envision it and proceeded to take us on a guided image meditation. She asked me to imagine something that I wanted and to visualize it in exacting detail. For example, if it was a moment in time in the future, I should fill in the details of kind of day it would be: sunny, rainy, hot or cold, etc. If it was something material like a home, for example, I should envision its color, location, architectural details, etc.

She went on like this for about 15 minutes. Most of the students were giggling, thinking the exercise stupid. Truth be told, I also thought it was stupid, but I followed her instructions to the letter. The really important part, according to this teacher, was that at the end of the visualization you had to imagine a “big, cosmic mailbox” and you were to place this vision in a “big cosmic envelope” and clearly see yourself putting this envelope in that big cosmic mailbox. By now, people were laughing openly. I thought this part was really stupid, but I did it anyway.

She told us that we had to do this daily in order for it to work and she assured us that this was how she got her beautiful seaside home. She also stated that she used the gift of her home to promote the gifts that she herself received as a yoga teacher/ practitioner. After class, she stopped me and asked me if I really did the exercise and I nodded in the affirmative. She said something along the lines of, “Good, do it everyday because I see an energy surrounding you... ”I was taken back a little, but I felt her warmth and I nodded my head and just smiled at her.

I followed her instructions to a tee and did this visualization for a long time and I’m here to tell you that my vision came true. My vision, you ask? My vision was what my life is like today: the work that I do, my personal life -- everything. My vision, even how I dress and smile, and the sun shining through the window, my office, how I feel -- all of it came true.

Today, I understand a little better how this works and it’s all about reprogramming the mental software folks. And you too can create the world and life you desire. First, you just have to entertain that possibility. For less than the time it takes you to watch American Idol.

Have a great week peeps!



1 comment:

  1. the people of ancient Hawaii did the same thing as a way to be connected to their 'aina - their land. I have often had "mean & hurtful" thoughts towards others and have felt bad because of it ... so I suffered and others suffered, once I realized that through visualization - I could have the same power in a positive light ... I did it!! I now really feel connected and the mental software is moving me daily toward my goals for what I desire most in life! thanks for the reminder! and go for it - with being less ON LINE - there is a whole world to enjoy this summer! Kumu


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[un]Common Sense